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Beer, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) BeerBeerbēˈər [key], in the Bible. 1 Unidentified place, to which Gideon's son Jotham fled. 2 Unidentified place, E of the Dead Sea between the Arnon and the Jordan, where Israel…

Ain, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) AinAināˈĭn [key], in the Bible. 1 Town, N ancient Palestine. 2 See En-rimmon.

Ava, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) AvaAvaāˈvə [key], in the Bible, an unidentified city of Mesopotamia, perhaps the same as Ivah. Its inhabitants are called Avites.

Seth, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) Seth, in the Bible, son of Adam and Eve, father of Enosh. In the chronology in the Gospel of St. Luke, Seth is an ancestor of Jesus. The Nag Hammadi codices preserve revelatory…

Adalia, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) AdaliaAdaliaădəlīˈə [key], in the Bible, one of Haman's sons.

patriarch, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) patriarchpatriarchpāˈtrēärk [key], in biblical tradition, one of the antediluvian progenitors of the race as given in Genesis (e.g., Seth) or one of the ancestors of the Jews (e.g.,…

Sheba, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) ShebaShebashēˈbə [key]. 1 In the Bible, rebel against David. 2 Queen of Sheba, who according the the Bible visited Solomon after hearing about the fame of his wisdom. In Arabic legend…