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Displaying 191 - 200

Og, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) OgOgŏg [key], in the Bible, giant king of Bashan conquered by the Israelites.

Nun, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) NunNunnŭn, n&oomacr;n [key], in the Bible, father of Joshua.

Uri , in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) UriUriy&oomacr;ˈrī [key], in the Bible. 1 Father of Bezaleel (1.) 2 Father of Geber (2.) 3 Porter.

Emmaus, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) EmmausEmmausĕmāˈəs [key], in the Bible. 1 Place, outside Jerusalem, where Cleopas and another disciple met the risen Christ. 2 Place, where Judas Maccabeus defeated Gorgias. It is now…

Eunice, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) EuniceEunicey&oomacr;nīˈsē, y&oomacr;ˈnĭs [key], in the New Testament, Timothy's mother, a Christian.

Eve, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) Eve [Heb.,=life], in the Bible, the first woman, wife of Adam and the mother of Cain, Abel, and Seth. Fashioned from Adam's rib, she was beguiled by the serpent into eating the…

Ezel, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) EzelEzelēˈzəl [key], in the Bible, rock where David said farewell to Jonathan.