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Wallace, David Foster

(Encyclopedia) Wallace, David Foster, 1962–2008, American writer, b. Ithaca, N.Y., grad. Amherst College (B.A., 1985), Univ. of Arizona (M.F.A., 1987). He published his comic first novel, The Broom…


(Encyclopedia) sarcophagussarcophagussärkŏfˈəgəs [key] [Gr.,=flesh-eater], name given by the Greeks to a special marble found in Asia Minor, near the territory of ancient Troy, and used in caskets.…


(Encyclopedia) fasting, partial or temporary abstinence from food, a widely used form of asceticism. Among the stricter Jews the principal fast is the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur; in Islam the…


(Encyclopedia) DionysusDionysusdīənīˈsəs [key], in Greek religion and mythology, god of fertility and wine. Legends concerning him are profuse and contradictory. However, he was one of the most…


(Encyclopedia) goat, ruminant mammal with hollow horns and coarse hair belonging to the genus Capra of the cattle family and closely related to the sheep. True wild goats, all of Old World origin,…


(Encyclopedia) botfly, common name for several families of hairy flies whose larvae live as parasites within the bodies of mammals. The horse botfly secretes an irritating substance that is used to…


(Encyclopedia) Phidias or PheidiasPheidiasboth: fĭdˈēəs [key], c.500–c.432 b.c., Greek sculptor, one of the greatest sculptors of ancient Greece. No original in existence can be attributed to him…

James, person in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) James, in the Gospel of St. Luke, kinsman of St. Jude. The original does not specify the relationship.

Jeremiah, persons in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) JeremiahJeremiahjĕrĭmīˈə [key], in the Bible. 1 Prophet of the book of Jeremiah. 2 Father-in-law of Josiah. 3 Rechabite contemporary with Jeremiah the prophet. 4, 5, 6 Three who joined…