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Cavedone, Giacomo

(Encyclopedia) Cavedone, GiacomoCavedone, Giacomojäˈkōmō kävādôˈnā [key], 1577–1660, Italian painter, of the Bolognese school. He assisted Guido Reni in Rome, but his reputation as a master of color…

Giulio Romano

(Encyclopedia) Giulio RomanoGiulio Romanoj&oomacr;ˈlyō rōmäˈnō [key], c.1492–1546, Italian painter, architect, and decorator, whose real name was Giulio Pippi. He was the favorite pupil of…

Great Mother Goddess

(Encyclopedia) Great Mother Goddess, in ancient Middle Eastern religions, mother goddess, the great symbol of the earth's fertility. She was worshiped under many names and attributes. Similar figures…

Victor Emmanuel III

(Encyclopedia) Victor Emmanuel III, 1869–1947, king of Italy (1900–1946), emperor of Ethiopia (1936–43), king of Albania (1939–43), son and successor of Humbert I. In 1896 he married Princess Helena…

Zamojski, Jan

(Encyclopedia) Zamojski or Zamoyski, JanZamojski or Zamoyski, Janboth: yän zämoiˈskē [key], 1542–1605, Polish statesman, general, and author. He championed the rights of the lesser nobility; after…


(Encyclopedia) Trajan (Marcus Ulpius Trajanus)Trajantrāˈjən [key], c.a.d. 53–a.d. 117, Roman emperor (a.d. 98–a.d. 117). Born in Spain, he was the first non-Italian to become head of the empire.…

Mithradates VI

(Encyclopedia) Mithradates VI (Mithradates Eupator)Mithradates VImĭthrəkdāˈtēz [key], c.131 b.c.–63 b.c., king of Pontus, sometimes called Mithradates the Great. He extended his empire until, in…

Maratti, Carlo

(Encyclopedia) Maratti or Maratta, CarloMaratti or Maratta, Carlokärˈlō märätˈtē, –tä [key], 1625–1713, Italian high baroque painter and engraver of the Roman school. He restored Raphael's frescoes…


(Encyclopedia) NolaNolanôˈlä [key], town (1991 pop. 32,613), in Campania, S Italy. It is an agricultural center with food-processing industries. An Etruscan stronghold as early as 500 b.c., Nola…

Naevius, Gnaeus

(Encyclopedia) Naevius, GnaeusNaevius, Gnaeusnīˈəs nēˈvəs [key], c.264–195 b.c., Roman poet and dramatist. Born in Campania, he served in the first Punic War (264–241 b.c.), which he evoked in De…