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Displaying 451 - 460

Hosmer, Harriet Goodhue

(Encyclopedia) Hosmer, Harriet GoodhueHosmer, Harriet Goodhuehŏzˈmər [key], 1830–1908, American sculptor, b. Watertown, Mass. She lived chiefly in Rome, where she produced graceful statues very…


(Encyclopedia) incense, perfume diffused by the burning of aromatic gums or spices. Incense was used in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome and is mentioned in the Old and the New Testaments. It is also…

Maratti, Carlo

(Encyclopedia) Maratti or Maratta, CarloMaratti or Maratta, Carlokärˈlō märätˈtē, –tä [key], 1625–1713, Italian high baroque painter and engraver of the Roman school. He restored Raphael's frescoes…


(Encyclopedia) ChalcedonChalcedonkălˈsĭdŏn, –dən, kălsēˈdən [key], ancient Greek city of Asia Minor, on the Bosporus. It was founded by Megara on the shore opposite Byzantium in 685 b.c. Taken by the…


(Encyclopedia) decemvirsdecemvirsdēsĕmˈvərz [key] [Lat.,=ten men], in ancient Rome, group of 10 men appointed to a special judicial or executive capacity. The most famous were those who developed in…


(Encyclopedia) LaodiceaLaodicealāōdˌĭsēˈə [key], name of several Greek cities of Asia and Asia Minor built by the Seleucids in the 3d cent. b.c. The most important, Laodicea ad Lycum, was N of…


(Encyclopedia) LiberLiberlīˈbər [key], in Roman religion, god of fertility and wine. He was usually identified with Bacchus, the Latin equivalent of Dionysus. His consort Libera was identified with…

Fogelberg, Bengt Erland

(Encyclopedia) Fogelberg, Bengt ErlandFogelberg, Bengt Erlandbĕngt ĕrˈländ f&oomacr;ˈgəlbĕrˌyə [key], 1786–1854, Swedish sculptor. He studied in Stockholm, in Paris, and in Rome, where he lived…


(Encyclopedia) AelianAelianēˈlēən [key], fl. 2d cent. a.d., Greek rhetorician, b. Praenesta; his original name was Claudius Aelianus. He taught rhetoric in Rome c.220. His works, all in Greek,…

Boniface IX

(Encyclopedia) Boniface IX, c.1345–1404, pope (1389–1404), a Neapolitan named Pietro Tomacelli; successor of Urban VI. The Avignon antipopes Clement VII and Benedict XIII were his contemporaries…