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Displaying 431 - 440

Gell, Sir William

(Encyclopedia) Gell, Sir WilliamGell, Sir Williamgĕl [key], 1777–1836, English archaeologist. He served as chamberlain to Caroline, consort of the prince of Wales (later George IV), and accompanied…

Genelli, Bonaventura

(Encyclopedia) Genelli, BonaventuraGenelli, Bonaventurabōnävānt&oomacr;ˈrä jānĕlˈlē [key], 1798–1868, German painter and illustrator. He studied at the Berlin Academy and in Rome. Genelli painted…

Gustavus VI

(Encyclopedia) Gustavus VI (Gustaf Adolf), 1882–1973, king of Sweden (1950–73), son and successor of Gustavus V. After the death (1920) of his first wife, Princess Margaret of Connaught, he married (…


(Encyclopedia) GortynaGortynagôrtīˈnə [key], ancient city, S central Crete. Under Rome it was one of the leading cities of the island. Many ancient Greek remains have been discovered on the site. An…


(Encyclopedia) TerminusTerminustûrˈmĭnəs [key], in ancient Rome, both the boundary markers between properties and the name of the god who watched over boundaries. Property lines were of great…

Thomas, Ambroise

(Encyclopedia) Thomas, AmbroiseThomas, AmbroiseäNbrwäzˈ tōmäˈ [key], 1811–96, French operatic composer, studied at the Paris Conservatory, receiving the Prix de Rome in 1832. He later taught…

Berry, Martha McChesney

(Encyclopedia) Berry, Martha McChesney, 1866–1942, American educator and philanthropist, b. near Rome, Ga., Ph.D. Univ. of Georgia, 1920. Determined to provide educational opportunities for…

Bourdon, Sébastien

(Encyclopedia) Bourdon, SébastienBourdon, SébastiensābästyăNˈ b&oomacr;rdôNˈ [key], 1616–71, French painter. Bourdon was active in Rome (1634–37), in Sweden (1652–54) as Queen Christina's court…

Brennus, fl. c.389 b.c., legendary Gallic leader

(Encyclopedia) Brennus, fl. c.389 b.c., legendary Gallic leader. He occupied Rome but failed to take the Capitol from Manlius (Marcus Manlius Capitolinus). According to legend, when the tribute that…

Strange, Sir Robert

(Encyclopedia) Strange, Sir Robert, 1721–92, English engraver. The outstanding historical engraver of his day, he became a member of the academies of Rome, Florence, Bologna, and France and was the…