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Brewer's: Chivalry

The paladins of Charlemagne were all scattered by the battle of Roncesvallës. The champions of Diderick were all assassinated at the instigation of Chriemhilda, the bride of Ezzel, King of…

Brewer's: Blazon

[Blazonry]. To blazon is to announce with a trumpet, hence the Ghost in Hamlet says, “But this eternal blazon must not be to ears of flesh and blood,” i.e. this babbling about eternal…

Brewer's: Arcite

(2 syl.). A young Theban knight, made captive by Duke Theseus, and shut up with Palamon in a prison at Athens. Here both the captives fell in love with Emily, the duke's sister-in-law.…

Brewer's: Quietus

The writ of discharge formerly granted to those barons and knights who personally attended the king on a foreign expedition. At their discharge they were exempt from the claim of scutage…

Brewer's: Red Cross

(The). The badge of the royal banner of England till those of St. Patrick and St. Andrew were added. “The fall of Rouen (1419) was the fall of the whole province ... and the red cross of…

Brewer's: Red Rose

(The). One of several badges of the House of Lancaster, but not necessarily the most prominent. It was used by Edmund, Earl of Lancaster (1245-96), called Crouchback, second son of Henry…

Brewer's: Priest of the Blue-bag

A barrister. A blue-bag is a cant name for a barrister. (See Barrister's Bag.) “He [O'Flynn] had twice pleaded his own cause, without help of attorney, and showed himself as practised in…

Brewer's: Rolls

[Chancery Lane, London]. So called from the records kept there in rolls of parchment. The house was originally built by Henry III, for converted Jews, and was called “Domus Conversorum.”…

Brewer's: Tournament

or Tournay. A tilt of knights; the chief art of the game being so to manoeuvre or turn your horse as to avoid the adversary's blow. (French, tournoiement, verb, tournoyer.) Tournament of…

Brewer's: White Moon

(Knight of the). Sampson Carrasco assumed this character and device, in order to induce Don Quixote to abandon knight errantry, and return home. The…