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Brewer's: Trenchmore

A popular dance in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. “Nimble-heeled mariners ... capering ... sometimes a Morisco, or Trenchmore of forty miles long.” —Taylor the Water-Poet.…

Brewer's: Woful

Knight of the Woful Countenance. The title given by Sancho Panza to Don Quixote. (Bk. iii. chap. v.) After his challenge of the two royal lions (pt. ii…

Brewer's: Teutons

Thuath-duiné (north men). Our word Dutch and the German Deutsch are variations of the same word, originally written Theodisk. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Th

(, theta). The sign given in the verdict of the Areopagus of condemnation to death. “Et potis es vitio nigrum praeflgere theta.” —Persius. T meant absolution, and A = non liquet. In the…

Brewer's: Eques Auratus

A knight bachelor, called auratus because he was allowed to gild his armour—a privilege confined to knights. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Ivanhoe

I'vanhoe (3 syl.). Sir Wilfred, knight of Ivanhoe, is the disinherited son of Cedric of Rotherwood. He is first introduced as a pilgrim, in which guise he enters his father's hall, where…

Brewer's: Burbon

A knight assailed by a rabble rout, who batter his shield to pieces, and compel him to cast it aside. Talus renders him assistance, and is informed by the rescued knight that Fourdelis,…

Brewer's: Gregory

(A). A school-feast, so called from being held on St. Gregory's Day (March 12th). On this day the pupils at one time brought the master all sorts of eatables, and of course it was a dies…

Brewer's: Carpet-bag Government

The government of mere adventurers. In America, a state in the South reorganised by “carpet-baggers,” i.e. Northern political adventurers, who sought a career in the Southern States after…

Brewer's: Dub

To make a knight by giving him a blow. Dr. Tusler says, “The ancient method or knighting was by a box on the ear, implying that it would be the last he would receive, as he would…