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Brewer's: Carpocratians

Gnostics; so called from Carpocrates, who flourished in the middle of the second century. They maintained that the world was made by angels,- that only the soul of Christ ascended into…

Brewer's: Cross-grained

Patchy, ill-tempered, self-willed. Wood must be worked with the grain; when the grain crosses we get a knot or curling, which is hard to work uniform. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Brewer's: Cross Man

(A). Not straightforward; ungain; not honest. “The storekeepers know who are their best customers, the square people or the cross ones.” —Boldrewood: Robbery Under Arms, chap. xvii.…

Brewer's: Trencher Friends

Persons who cultivate the friendship of others for the sake of sitting at their board, and the good things they can get. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Trenchmore

A popular dance in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. “Nimble-heeled mariners ... capering ... sometimes a Morisco, or Trenchmore of forty miles long.” —Taylor the Water-Poet.…

Brewer's: Quixada

(Gutierre). Lord of Villagarcia. He discharged a javelin at Sire de Haburdin with such force as to pierce the left shoulder, overthrow the knight, and pin him to the ground. Don Quixote…

Brewer's: Red Rot

(The). The Sun-dew (q.v.); so called because it occasions the rot in sheep. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Red SeaRed Rose Knight A B C D E F G H I…

Brewer's: Pridwin

Same as pridwen. This shield had represented on it a picture of the Virgin. The temper of his sword, the tried `Excaliber,' The bigness and the length of `Rone,' his noble spear, With `…

Brewer's: Woful

Knight of the Woful Countenance. The title given by Sancho Panza to Don Quixote. (Bk. iii. chap. v.) After his challenge of the two royal lions (pt. ii…

Brewer's: Ale-draper

a tapster. Ale-drapery, the selling of ale, etc. “No other occupation have I but to be an ale-draper.” —H.Chettle: Kind-harts' Dreame , 1592. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E.…