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Displaying 341 - 350

Brewer's: Sirloin of Beef

A corruption of Surloin. (French, surlonge.) La partie due baeuf qui reste aprèsqu'on en a coupél'épaule et la cuisse. In Queen Elizabeth's “Progresses,” one of the items mentioned under…

Brewer's: Orgoglio

(pron. Or-gole'-yo). The word is Italian, and means “Arrogant Pride,” or The Man of Sin. A hideous giant as tall as three men; he was son of Earth and Wind. Finding the Red Cross Knight at…

Brewer's: Paladin

An officer of the Palatium or Byzantine palace, a high dignitary. Paladins. The knights of King Charlemagne. The most noted are Allory de l'Estoc; Astolfo; Basin de Genevois; Fierambras…

William Shakespeare: Henry VI (Pt 1), Act IV

Act IVScene IParis. A hall of stateEnter King Henry VI, Gloucester, Bishop OF Winchester, York, Suffolk, Somerset, Warwick, Talbot, Exeter, the Governor, of Paris, and othersGloucesterLord…

Brewer's: Lion

(as an agnomen). ALP ARSLAN [the Valiant Lion, son of Togrul Beg, the Perso-Turkish monarch. (Reigned 1063-1072.) ALI was called The Lion of God for his religious zeal and great courage.…

John Keats: Calidore

by JohnKeatsSpecimen of an Induction to a PoemTo Some LadiesCalidore A fragment Young Calidore is paddling o'er the lake; His healthful spirit eager and awake To feel the beauty of a…

Brewer's: Guy, Earl of Warwick

An Anglo-Danish hero of wonderful puissance. He was in love with fair Phelis or Felice, who refused to listen to his suit till he had distinguished himself by knightly deeds. First, he…

Brewer's: Faërie Queene

A metrical romance in six books, by Edmund Spenser (incomplete). It details the adventures of various knights, who impersonate different virtues, and belong to the court of Gloriana, Queen…