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Stirling, Sir James Frazer

(Encyclopedia) Stirling, Sir James Frazer, 1924–92, British architect., b. Glasgow, grad. Univ. of Liverpool school of architecture (1950). Settling in London, Stirling worked in partnership (1956–63…

Clare, John

(Encyclopedia) Clare, John, 1793–1864, English poet. A romantic poet who wrote shortly after the vogue for such verse, he had a profound and singular gift for capturing nature in exquisitely specific…

Galbraith, John Kenneth

(Encyclopedia) Galbraith, John KennethGalbraith, John Kennethgălˈbrāth [key], 1908–2006, American economist and public official, b. Ontario, Canada, grad. Univ. of Toronto (B.S., 1931), Univ. of…

Sharp, Cecil James

(Encyclopedia) Sharp, Cecil James, 1859–1924, English musician, best known for his researches in English folk music. In 1911 he founded the English Folk Dance Society. In the United States he…

Childe, Vere Gordon

(Encyclopedia) Childe, Vere Gordon, 1892–1957, British archaeologist, b. Australia. An Oxford graduate, he taught at the Univ. of Edinburgh (1927–46) and the Univ. of London (1946–56). He gained…

Young, Charles Augustus

(Encyclopedia) Young, Charles Augustus, 1834–1908, American astronomer, b. Hanover, N.H., grad. Dartmouth, 1853. He discovered the reversing layer of the solar atmosphere and proved the gaseous…

Clark, Kenneth MacKenzie

(Encyclopedia) Clark, Kenneth MacKenzie (Lord Clark of Saltwood), 1903–83, English art historian, studied Oxford. After working with Bernard Berenson in Florence, Clark was keeper of the department…

Lewis, C. S.

(Encyclopedia) Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples Lewis), 1898–1963, English author, b. Belfast, Ireland. A fellow and tutor of English at Magdalen College, Oxford, from 1925 to 1954, C. S. Lewis was noted…

Mansfield, Katherine

(Encyclopedia) Mansfield, Katherine, 1888–1923, British author, b. New Zealand, regarded as one of the masters of the short story. Her original name was Kathleen Beauchamp. A talented cellist, she…

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

(Encyclopedia) Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, collective name given several English monastic chronicles in Anglo-Saxon, all stemming from a compilation made from old annals and other sources c.891. Although…