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Trilling, Lionel

(Encyclopedia) Trilling, Lionel, 1905–75, American critic, author, and teacher, b. New York City, grad. Columbia (B.A., 1925; M.A., 1926; Ph.D., 1938). He began teaching literature at Columbia in…

Welty, Eudora

(Encyclopedia) Welty, Eudora, 1909–2001, American author, b. Jackson, Miss., grad. Univ. of Wisconsin, 1929. One of the important American regional writers of the 20th cent. and one of the finest…

Yeats, W. B.

(Encyclopedia) Yeats, W. B. (William Butler Yeats), 1865–1939, Irish poet and playwright, b. Dublin. The greatest lyric poet Ireland has produced and one of the major figures of 20th-century…

Selected Degree Abbreviations

A.B. Bachelor of ArtsAeEng. Aeronautical EngineerA.M.T. Master of Arts in TeachingB.A. Bachelor of ArtsB.A.E. Bachelor of Arts in Education, or Bachelor of Art Education, Aeronautical…

Cézanne, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Cézanne, PaulCézanne, Paulpōl sāzänˈ [key], 1839–1906, French painter, b. Aix-en-Provence. Cézanne was the leading figure in the revolution toward abstraction in modern painting.…

Baldwin, James

(Encyclopedia) Baldwin, James, 1924–87, American author, b. New York City. He spent an impoverished boyhood in Harlem, became a Pentecostal preacher at 14, and left the church three years later. He…

Darwin, Charles Robert

(Encyclopedia) Darwin, Charles Robert, 1809–82, English naturalist, b. Shrewsbury; grandson of Erasmus Darwin and of Josiah Wedgwood. He firmly established the theory of organic evolution known as…

Donne, John

(Encyclopedia) Donne, JohnDonne, Johndŭn, dŏn [key], 1572–1631, English poet and divine. He is considered the greatest of the metaphysical poets. All of Donne's verse—his love sonnets and his…

Guest, Edwin

(Encyclopedia) Guest, Edwin, 1800–1880, English archaeologist and philologist. A founder of the Philological Society (1842), Guest wrote articles on English philology and on archaeology, especially…