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Otis, James

(Encyclopedia) Otis, James, 1725–83, American colonial political leader, b. Barnstable co., Mass. A lawyer first in Plymouth and then in Boston, he won great distinction and served (1756–61) as…

The Early Congresses

At the urging of Massachusetts and Virginia, the First Continental Congress met in Philadelphia on Sept. 5, 1774, and was attended by representatives of all the colonies except Georgia.…

The Revolutionary War

Conflicts increase between colonists and Britain on western frontier because of royal edict limiting western expansion (1763) and regulation of colonial trade and increased taxation of…

The Louisiana Purchase: Treaty

PaymentTreaty A Treaty Between the United States of America and the French Republic The President of the United States of America and the First Consul of the French Republic in the name of…


  Louisiana State Information Capital: Baton Rouge Official Name: State of Louisiana Organized as a territory: April 30, 1803 Entered Union (rank): April 30, 1812 (18th state) Present…


(Encyclopedia) coral, small, sedentary marine animal, related to the sea anemone but characterized by a skeleton of horny or calcareous material. The skeleton itself is also called coral. Although…

Islam in Africa

(Encyclopedia) Islam in Africa, the development of the Muslim religion on the African continent. During Muhammad's lifetime a group of Muslims escaped Meccan persecution (615) by fleeing to Ethiopia…

Virginia Dare

Virginia Dare was the first person of English descent born in North America. It's likely she was born 18 August 1587, shortly after a settlement colony had been established on Roanoke Island. Dare…