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Straits Settlements

(Encyclopedia) Straits Settlements, collective name for certain former British colonies in Southeast Asia. The three British East India Company territories of Pinang, Singapore, and Malacca (see…


(Encyclopedia) PárosPárospäˈrôs, pârˈŏs [key], island (1991 pop. 9,591), c.81 sq mi (210 sq km), SE Greece, in the Aegean Sea; one of the Cyclades. The main town is Páros. The land slopes to the…

Sidney, Algernon

(Encyclopedia) Sidney or Sydney, Algernon, 1622–83, English politician; son of Robert Sidney, earl of Leicester. He served in the parliamentary forces during the English civil war and was a member (…

Portugal: End of an Empire

With the turnover of Macao, the Portuguese colonial empire comes to a close by Borgna Brunner On December 20, 1999 Portugal gave up the last colony in its once vast overseas…

The Full Story of the First Thanksgiving

The origins of Thanksgiving trace far back in American history. Its roots are deeply embedded into the country's culture and traditions, celebrated annually by families and friends gathering around…

The Mayflower Compact

On Sept. 6, 1620, the Mayflower, a sailing vessel of about 180 tons, started her memorable voyage from Plymouth, England, with about 1001 pilgrims aboard, bound for Virginia to establish a…

Anne Hutchinson

Name at birth: Anne MarburyAnne Hutchinson was a theologically literate midwife who was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1638 for her religious views. Hutchinson emigrated with her…

U.S. History Timeline

The defining moments of American history U.S. History is short in the grand scheme of things, but there's still a whole lot for any one person to keep straight. We've thrown together a timeline with…

convict labor

(Encyclopedia) convict labor, work of prison inmates. Until the 19th cent., labor was introduced in prisons chiefly as punishment. Such work is now considered a necessary part of the rehabilitation…