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Fox, George

(Encyclopedia) Fox, George, 1624–91, English religious leader, founder of the Society of Friends, b. Fenny Drayton in Leicestershire. As a boy he was apprenticed to a shoemaker and wool dealer. By…

Gage, Thomas, English general in North America

(Encyclopedia) Gage, Thomas, 1721–87, English general in North America. He came to America (1754) with Gen. Edward Braddock and took part in the ill-fated expedition against Fort Duquesne (1755).…

Gilbert, Sir Humphrey

(Encyclopedia) Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 1537?–1583, English soldier, navigator, and explorer; half-brother of Sir Walter Raleigh. Knighted (1570) for his service in the campaigns in Ireland, he later (…

Haldimand, Sir Frederick

(Encyclopedia) Haldimand, Sir FrederickHaldimand, Sir Frederickhôlˈdĭmənd [key], 1718–91, British general and colonial governor of Quebec, b. Neuchâtel canton, Switzerland. A soldier of fortune in…

Mason, George

(Encyclopedia) Mason, George, 1725–92, American political leader, b. Fairfax co., Va. He was one of the most affluent of the colonial Virginia planters. In his triple capacity as trustee of…

Malaspina, Alejandro

(Encyclopedia) Malaspina, Alejandro or AlessandroMalaspina, Alejandro or Alessandroälāhänˈdrō mäläspēˈnä; älās-sänˈdrō [key], 1754–1810, Italian-Spanish naval officer and explorer, b. Mulazzo, Italy…

McKean, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) McKean, ThomasMcKean, Thomasməkānˈ, –kēnˈ [key], 1734–1817, political leader in the American Revolution, signer of the Declaration of Independence, b. New London, Pa. He settled at New…


(Encyclopedia) city-state, in ancient Greece, Italy, and Medieval Europe, an independent political unit consisting of a city and surrounding countryside. The first city-states were in Sumer, but they…

degree, academic

(Encyclopedia) degree, academic, title bestowed upon a student on the fulfillment of certain requirements or given as an honor to an eminent person. The practice of awarding degrees originated in the…

Daman and Diu

(Encyclopedia) Daman and DiuDaman and Diudəmänˈ, dēˈ&oomacr; [key], union territory (2001 provisional pop. 158,059), 50 sq mi (130 sq km), W India, on the Arabian Sea, composed of two former…