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local government

(Encyclopedia) local government, political administration of the smallest subdivisions of a country's territory and population. The British system of local government, which has been the model for…

Alexander I, czar of Russia

(Encyclopedia) Alexander I, 1777–1825, czar of Russia (1801–25), son of Paul I (in whose murder he may have taken an indirect part). In the first years of his reign the liberalism of his Swiss tutor…

The Berlin Conference and the Partition of Africa

Formalizing the Scramble for Africa In 1884, representatives of all the colonial powers of Europe and America met in Berlin to discuss how they would divide Africa between them. The colonization of…

Immigration Milestones

A Nation of Immigrants The U.S. is a nation of immigrants. The first wave of immigrants to colonial America, from England, France, Germany, and other northern European countries, were fleeing…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Internal anatomy of Hydra, representative of the phylum Cnidaria CnidariaCnidarianīdârˈēə [key] or CoelenterataCnidariasəlĕntəräˈtə [key], phylum of invertebrate animals…

Franklin, Benjamin

(Encyclopedia) Franklin, Benjamin, 1706–90, American statesman, printer, scientist, and writer, b. Boston. The only American of the colonial period to earn a European reputation as a natural…

British Parliament: The Townshend Act

The Townshend ActBritish Parliament1767 An act for granting certain duties in the British colonies and plantations in America; for allowing a drawback of the duties of customs upon the…

Straits Settlements

(Encyclopedia) Straits Settlements, collective name for certain former British colonies in Southeast Asia. The three British East India Company territories of Pinang, Singapore, and Malacca (see…

Sidney, Algernon

(Encyclopedia) Sidney or Sydney, Algernon, 1622–83, English politician; son of Robert Sidney, earl of Leicester. He served in the parliamentary forces during the English civil war and was a member (…