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Fourier, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Fourier, CharlesFourier, Charlesshärl f&oomacr;ryāˈ [key], 1772–1837, French social philosopher. From a bourgeois family, he condemned existing institutions and evolved a kind of…

Godoy, Manuel de

(Encyclopedia) Godoy, Manuel deGodoy, Manuel demänwĕlˈ dā gōᵺoiˈ [key], 1767–1851, Spanish statesman. An army officer, he won the favor of Queen María Luisa and rose rapidly at the court of Charles…


(Encyclopedia) vagrancy, in law, term applied to the offense of persons who are without visible means of support or domicile while able to work. State laws and municipal ordinances punishing vagrancy…

Wilson, James, American jurist

(Encyclopedia) Wilson, James, 1742–98, American jurist, signer of the Declaration of Independence, b. near St. Andrews, Scotland. He studied at the universities of Glasgow and Edinburgh and, after…

Webb, Beatrice Potter

(Encyclopedia) Webb, Beatrice Potter, 1858–1943, English socialist economist; daughter of a wealthy industrialist. She took an early interest in social problems and worked with Charles Booth on his…

blue laws

(Encyclopedia) blue laws, legislation regulating public and private conduct, especially laws relating to Sabbath observance. The term was originally applied to the 17th-century laws of the theocratic…

The Declaration of Independence

On April 12, 1776, the legislature of North Carolina authorized its delegates to the Continental Congress to join with others in a declaration of separation from Great Britain; the first…

Chauncey Judd: Negro Patriotism

Seizure of Henry Wooster Rescue and Flight Negro Patriotism Tobiah was a patriot. With the political principles of his master, and so many others of the residents of that tory…

The Charges Against Columbus

A controversy of historic proportion The Landing of Columbus by John Vanderlyn (1847)Within the last half century, many historians have come to criticize Columbus's legacy and question whether he…


(Encyclopedia) MacedonMacedonmăsˈədŏn [key], ancient country, roughly equivalent to the modern region of Macedonia. In the history of Greek culture Macedon had its single significance in producing…