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Arunachal Pradesh

(Encyclopedia) Arunachal PradeshArunachal Pradeshärˌənächəl prədĕshˈ [key], state (2001 provisional pop. 1,091,117), 31,438 sq mi (81,424 sq km), NE India, bordered on the north by the Tibet region…

Ma, Jack

(Encyclopedia) Ma, Jack, 1964–, Chinese business executive and on-line retailing pioneer, whose Chinese name is Ma YunMa, Jack,mä yün [key]. He taught English at Hangzhou Institute of Electronics and…

Bowring, Sir John

(Encyclopedia) Bowring, Sir JohnBowring, Sir Johnbouˈrĭng [key], 1792–1872, British diplomat, linguist, and writer. An extraordinarily versatile linguist, he is remembered for his anthologies and…


(Encyclopedia) TibetTibettĭbĕtˈ [key], Tibetan Bodyul, Mandarin Xizang, autonomous region (2010 pop. 3,002,166), c.471,700 sq mi (1,221,700 sq km), SW China. A Chinese autonomous region since 1951,…


(Encyclopedia) Uigurs,&sp;Uighurs, or UygursUigurs,all: wēˈg&oobreve;rz [key], Turkic-speaking people of Asia who live mainly in W China. They were the Yue-che of ancient Chinese records and…

Ssu-ma Ch'ien

(Encyclopedia) Ssu-ma Ch'ienSsu-ma Ch'iens&oobreve;ˈmä chyĕn [key], 145?–90? b.c., Chinese historian; sometimes called the Father of Chinese History. He succeeded his father, Ssu-ma T'an, as…


(Encyclopedia) Hsüan-tsungHsüan-tsungshüän dz&oomacr;ng [key], 685–762, Chinese emperor (712–56), 9th of the T'ang dynasty. Under his brilliant early rule the T'ang reached the height of its…

Zhang Yimou

(Encyclopedia) Zhang Yimou, 1951–, Chinese film director. Sentenced to forced labor during the Cultural Revolution (1966–76) because his father had been an officer in Chiang Kai-shek's army, he then…

Asian drama

(Encyclopedia) Asian drama, dramatic works produced in the East. Of the three major Asian dramas—Sanskrit, Chinese, Japanese—the oldest is Sanskrit, although the dates of its origin are uncertain.…

Randi, James

(Encyclopedia) Randi, James (Randall James Hamilton Zwinge), 1928–2020, Canadian-American illusionist and psychic investigator, b. Toronto. Performing as “The Amazing Randi,” he was a conjurer and…