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Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region

(Encyclopedia) Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region, Mandarin Nei Monggol zizhiqu, autonomous region, c.455,000 sq mi (1,178,755 sq km), NE China. It is…

Sino-Japanese War, Second

(Encyclopedia) Sino-Japanese War, Second, 1937–45, conflict between Japanese and Chinese forces for control of the Chinese mainland. The war sapped the Nationalist government's strength while…

Chang Chih-tung

(Encyclopedia) Chang Chih-tungChang Chih-tungjängˈ jûrˈ-d&oobreve;ngˈ [key], 1837–1909, Chinese Ch'ing dynasty statesman and educational reformer. He occupied the high post of governor-general…

Chang Hsüeh-liang

(Encyclopedia) Chang Hsüeh-liang or Zhang XueliangChang Hsüeh-liangjängˈ shüĕˈ-lyängˈ [key], 1898–2001, Chinese warlord, son of Chang Tso-lin. On the death (1928) of his father, he succeeded as…

Jiang Qing

(Encyclopedia) Jiang Qing or Chiang Ch'ingChiang Ch'ingboth: jyäng jĭng [key], 1914–91, Chinese Communist political leader, wife of Mao Zedong. Born Li Jinhai or Li Shumeng, she was later known as Li…


(Encyclopedia) porcelain [Ital. porcellana], white, hard, permanent, nonporous pottery having translucence which is resonant when struck. Porcelain was first made by the Chinese to withstand the…

Igor, 1151–1202, Russian prince

(Encyclopedia) Igor (Igor Sviatoslavich)Igorēˈgər svyäˌtəsläˈvĭch [key], 1151–1202, Russian prince. In 1185 he was defeated by the Cumans in an expedition that was immortalized in the epic Slovo o…

Hopkins, Sir Anthony

(Encyclopedia) Hopkins, Sir Anthony, 1937–, British actor, b. Port Talbot, Wales. A classically schooled actor, he studied drama in Wales and London, made his stage debut in 1960, and was long a…

Ivanov, Lev

(Encyclopedia) Ivanov, LevIvanov, Levlyĕf ēväˈnôf [key], 1834–1901, Russian dancer, teacher, choreographer, and ballet-master. Ivanov was assistant to chief ballet-master Marius Petipa at the…

Battle, Kathleen

(Encyclopedia) Battle, Kathleen, 1948–, African-American soprano, b. Portsmouth, Ohio. She studied voice at the Conservatory of Music at the Univ. of Cincinnati and made her debut at the Spoleto…