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Cultural Revolution

(Encyclopedia) Cultural Revolution, 1966–76, mass mobilization of urban Chinese youth inaugurated by Mao Zedong in an attempt to prevent the development of a bureaucratized Soviet style of Communism…

Korean War

(Encyclopedia) Korean War, conflict between Communist and non-Communist forces in Korea from June 25, 1950, to July 27, 1953. At the end of World War II, Korea was divided at the 38th parallel into…

Open Door

(Encyclopedia) Open Door, maintenance in a certain territory of equal commercial and industrial rights for the nationals of all countries. As a specific policy, it was first advanced by the United…

Dream Team

Every NBA fan's dream turns to gold by John Gettings Magic Johnson drives by Angola's Anibal Moreira at the Barcelona Olympics in 1992. (Source:AP) Related Links Olympics Overview…

Halloween: Conversation with a Witch

Conversations with a Witch Information Please talks to a real-life witch about stereotypes in the media Real-life witch Aloi Related Links Halloween Trick and Treats The Witches' Voice…


(Encyclopedia) Ch'ingCh'ingchĭng [key] or ManchuCh'ingmănˌch&oomacr;ˈ, mănˈch&oomacr;ˌ [key], the last of the Imperial dynasties of China. Following foreign suppression of the Boxer…

Japanese art

(Encyclopedia) Japanese art, works of art created in the islands that make up the nation of Japan. In the mid-19th cent. a few print designers attained distinction, but no masters appeared…

Mongolia, country, Asia

(Encyclopedia) CE5 MongoliaMongoliamŏn-gōˈlēə, mŏng– [key], republic (2015 est. pop. 2,977,000), 604,247 sq mi (1,565,000 sq km), N central Asia; historically known as Outer Mongolia. Bordered on…

banner system

(Encyclopedia) banner system, Manchu conscription system. Companies of Manchu warriors were grouped (1601) into brigades, each with a distinctive banner. The banner system integrated former tribal…