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Displaying 421 - 430

Wu, Chien-Shiung

(Encyclopedia) Wu, Chien-ShiungWu, Chien-Shiungchyĕnˈ-shy&oobreve;ngˈ w&oomacr; [key], 1912–97, Chinese-American physicist. She emigrated to the United States from China in 1936 and received…


(Encyclopedia) KuomintangKuomintanggwōˈmĭnˈdängˈ, kwōˈmĭntăngˈ [key] [Chin.,=national people's party] (KMT), Chinese and Taiwanese political party. Sung Chiao-jen organized the party in 1912, under…


(Encyclopedia) calligraphycalligraphykəlĭgˈrəfē [key] [Gr.,=beautiful writing], skilled penmanship practiced as a fine art. See also inscription; paleography. The art of calligraphy is also…

Middle Kingdom

(Encyclopedia) Middle Kingdom or Middle Country, Mandarin Zhongguo, Chinese name for China. It dates from c.1000 b.c., when it designated the Chou empire situated on the North China Plain. The Chou…

Mao Tun

(Encyclopedia) Mao Tun or Mao DunMao Dunmou d&oobreve;nˈ [key], pseud. of She Yen-pingShe Yen-pingshəˈ yĕnˈbĭngˈ [key], 1896–1981, Chinese novelist and Minister of Culture (1949–65). His fiction…

Li Ang

(Encyclopedia) Li AngLi Anglē äng [key], pseud. of Shih Shu-tuanShih Shu-tuanshûr sh&oomacr;-dwän [key], 1952–, Taiwanese writer. After graduating from college in Taiwan she studied drama in the…


(Encyclopedia) LomonosovLomonosovləmənôˈsəf [key], formerly OranienbaumOranienbaumoräˈnyənboum [key], city (1989 pop. 42,000), NW European Russia, on the Gulf of Finland. It is a rail terminus and…

Huangpu, city, China

(Encyclopedia) HuangpuHuangpuhwängˈp&oomacr;ˈ [key] or WhampoaHuangpuhwämˈpōˈäˈ [key], city, S Guangdong prov., SE China, on an island in the Pearl River. It is c.9 mi (14.5 km) SE of Guangzhou,…


(Encyclopedia) QiqiharQiqiharchēˈchēˈhär [key] or TsitsiharTsitsihartsēˈtsēˈhärˈ, chēˈchēˈhär [key], city (1994 est. pop. 1,104,100), S central Heilongjiang prov., China, a port on the Nen River near…

Ross, Edward Alsworth

(Encyclopedia) Ross, Edward Alsworth, 1866–1951, American sociologist, b. Virden, Ill., Ph.D. Johns Hopkins, 1891. He taught economics (1893–1900) at Stanford Univ., from which he was ousted in a…