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Alsop, Richard

(Encyclopedia) Alsop, RichardAlsop, Richardôlˈsəp [key], 1761–1815, American author, b. Middletown, Conn. Best remembered as one of the Connecticut Wits, he collaborated with Theodore Dwight and…

Flagg, James Montgomery

(Encyclopedia) Flagg, James Montgomery, 1877–1960, American painter, illustrator, and author, b. Pelham Manor, N.Y. He studied in New York City, in England, and in Paris. Returning to New York, he…

Forester, C. S.

(Encyclopedia) Forester, C. S. (Cecil Scott Forester), 1899–1966, British novelist, b. Cairo, Egypt, educated in England. A prolific and popular author, C. S. Forester is best known for his novels of…

Munday, Anthony

(Encyclopedia) Munday, Anthony, 1553–1633, English author, b. London. After spending his early years as an actor, he turned to writing. His literary output includes a number of plays (many written in…

Morley, Henry

(Encyclopedia) Morley, Henry, 1822–94, English man of letters. In 1850 he closed his successful school to assist Dickens in editing Household Words. After that he combined an editorial with an…

Breton, Jules Adolphe Aimé Louis

(Encyclopedia) Breton, Jules Adolphe Aimé LouisBreton, Jules Adolphe Aimé Louiszhül ädôlfˈ āmāˈ lwē [key]Breton, Jules Adolphe Aimé Louis brətôNˈ [key], 1827–1906, French painter of rustic scenes and…

Capella, Martianus

(Encyclopedia) Capella, MartianusCapella, Martianusmärshēāˈnəs kəpĕlˈə [key], fl. 5th cent.?, Latin writer, b. Carthage. His one famous work, The Marriage of Mercury and Philology, also called the…

Caragiale, Ion Luca

(Encyclopedia) Caragiale, Ion LucaCaragiale, Ion Lucayŏn l&oomacr;ˈkä käräjäˈlĭ [key], 1853–1912, Romanian playwright and author. Romania's foremost dramatist, his works sharply satirized…

Todd, Mabel Loomis

(Encyclopedia) Todd, Mabel Loomis, 1858–1932, American author, b. Cambridge, Mass. A friend of Emily Dickinson, she edited and deciphered much of the Dickinson material in Poems (with T. W. Higginson…

Usk, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Usk, ThomasUsk, Thomasŭsk [key], d. 1388, English politician and author. He was under-sheriff of London. While in Newgate Prison he wrote Testament of Love, an allegory in prose…