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Lewis, Wyndham

(Encyclopedia) Lewis, Wyndham (Percy Wyndham Lewis)Lewis, Wyndhamwĭnˈdəm [key], 1886–1957, English author and painter, born on a ship on the Bay of Fundy. With Ezra Pound, he was cofounder and editor…

Alcott, Louisa May

(Encyclopedia) Alcott, Louisa May, 1832–88, American author, b. Germantown, Pa.; daughter of Bronson Alcott. Mostly educated by her father, she was a friend of Emerson and Thoreau, and her first book…

Cornwall, Barry

(Encyclopedia) Cornwall, Barry, pseud. of Bryan Waller Procter, 1787–1874, English author. His sentimental songs were much in vogue during his lifetime. Included among Cornwall's longer works are…

Gaspé, Philippe Aubert de

(Encyclopedia) Gaspé, Philippe Aubert deGaspé, Philippe Aubert defēlēpˈ ōbĕrˈ də gäspāˈ [key], 1786–1871, French Canadian author. He was high sheriff of Quebec for several years. His Les Anciens…

Guareschi, Giovanni

(Encyclopedia) Guareschi, GiovanniGuareschi, Giovannijōväˈnē gwärĕsˈkē [key], 1908–68, Italian journalist and novelist. Guareschi edited a humorous weekly before World War II and in 1945 helped to…

Harington, Sir John

(Encyclopedia) Harington, Sir John, 1560?–1612, English author. He spent most of his career at the court of Queen Elizabeth I, where he became known for his indelicate humor. His Rabelaisian…

Harris, Chapin Aaron

(Encyclopedia) Harris, Chapin Aaron, 1806–60, American dentist, b. Pompey, N.Y. One of the founders of dentistry as a profession, he was the author of The Dental Art (1839; later called Principles…

Giraldi, Giovanni Battista

(Encyclopedia) Giraldi, Giovanni BattistaGiraldi, Giovanni Battistajōvänˈnē bät-tēsˈtä jērälˈdē [key], 1504–73, Italian author, known also as Cinthio, Cintio, Cinzio, or Cyntius. He wrote tragedies,…

Anstey, F.

(Encyclopedia) Anstey, F., pseud. of Thomas Anstey Guthrie, 1856–1934, English author. He relinquished his law practice to write humorous fiction. His best and most successful works are marked by an…

Holcroft, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Holcroft, ThomasHolcroft, Thomashōlˈkrôft [key], 1745–1809, English dramatist and novelist. Sometimes credited with having introduced melodrama to the London stage, he is the author of…