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Hyde, Douglas

(Encyclopedia) Hyde, Douglas, 1860–1949, Irish scholar and political leader. He was largely responsible for the revival of the Irish language and literature through his founding of the Gaelic League…

May, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) May, Thomas, 1595–1650, English author, b. Sussex, grad. Cambridge, 1612. Besides writing several tragedies on classical subjects, he wrote two comedies, The Heir (1620) and The Old…

MacKenzie, Sir Compton

(Encyclopedia) MacKenzie, Sir Compton, 1883–1972, English author, b. West Hartelpool, Durham, educated at Oxford. In Apr., 1923, he founded the Gramophone, a periodical devoted to reviewing…

Lillo, George

(Encyclopedia) Lillo, George, 1693–1739, English dramatist. The son of a prosperous jeweller, he was for many years his father's partner in the trade. He is chiefly remembered as the author of The…

Milman, Henry Hart

(Encyclopedia) Milman, Henry Hart, 1791–1868, English clergyman, poet, and historian, dean of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, from 1849. He was the author of several dramatic poems as well as some…

Dennis, John

(Encyclopedia) Dennis, John, 1657–1734, English critic and playwright. Best known for his critical works, which include Grounds of Criticism in Poetry (1704) and An Essay on the Genius and Writings…

Deschanel, Émile

(Encyclopedia) Deschanel, ÉmileDeschanel, Émileāmēlˈ dāshänĕlˈ [key], 1819–1904, French author and politician. Of his numerous works the best known are such critical studies as Études sur Aristophane…

Day, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Day, Thomas, 1748–89, English social reformer and author. He supported the American Revolution and the abolition of slavery and was interested in improving the lot of the small farmer…

Daudet, Léon

(Encyclopedia) Daudet, Léon, 1867–1942, French author, most famous for his biting criticism of the Third Republic, and of democracy in general as editor of the right-wing daily Action Française with…

Kalisch, Isidor

(Encyclopedia) Kalisch, IsidorKalisch, Isidorēzēdôrˈ kāˈlĭsh, käˈ– [key], 1816–86, Jewish rabbi and author, b. Prussia. Forced to leave Germany because of his liberal political views, he emigrated to…