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Le Bon, Gustave

(Encyclopedia) Le Bon, GustaveLe Bon, Gustavegüstävˈ lə bôN [key], 1841–1931, French psychologist and sociologist. He was the author of a number of works on social psychology, in which he expounded…

Florio, John

(Encyclopedia) Florio, JohnFlorio, Johnflôˈrēō [key], 1553?–1625, English author, b. London of Italian parentage. Educated at Oxford, Florio served in various capacities at the court of James I. He…

Black, Hugh

(Encyclopedia) Black, Hugh, 1868–1953, Scottish-American theologian and author. After serving as a pastor in Paisley and Edinburgh, he emigrated to the United States in 1906 to begin a professorship…

Capgrave, John

(Encyclopedia) Capgrave, John, 1393–1464, English author and Augustinian friar. One of the most learned men of his day, he was a distinguished theologian, philosopher, and historian. His writings,…

Vetch, Samuel

(Encyclopedia) Vetch, Samuel, 1668–1732, British soldier and colonial administrator, b. Scotland. He settled in Albany, N.Y., in 1699 and became a trader with the Native Americans. Author of a plan…

Petőfi, Sándor

(Encyclopedia) Petőfi, SándorPetőfi, Sándorshänˈdôr pĕˈtöfē [key], 1823–49, Hungarian poet and patriot. A failure as an actor, Petőfi became the author of exquisite lyrics. He composed the national…


(Encyclopedia) OppianOppianŏpˈēən [key], fl. 2d cent., Greek poet. He is the author of a didactic poem (in five books of hexameters) on fishing called Halieutica. Two other poems, formerly attributed…

Roscoe, William

(Encyclopedia) Roscoe, William, 1753–1831, English historian and author. He was called to the bar in 1774, and later, as a member of Parliament, fought against the slave trade (1806). The Life of…

Richard of Devizes

(Encyclopedia) Richard of DevizesRichard of Devizesdĭvīˈzĭz [key], fl. late 12th cent., English chronicler and monk. He wrote a lively Chronicon de rebus gestis Ricardi primi [chronicle of the deeds…

Alencar, José de

(Encyclopedia) Alencar, José deAlencar, José deälāNngkârˈ [key], 1829–77, Brazilian jurist and author. Alencar was one of the founders of modern Brazilian literature. His historical novels (O Guarani…