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(Encyclopedia) Neopaganism, polytheistic religious movement, practiced in small groups by partisans of pre-Christian religious traditions such as Egyptian, Greek, Norse, and Celtic. Neopagans fall…

Miranda v. Arizona

(Encyclopedia) Miranda v. Arizona, U.S. Supreme Court case (1966) in the area of due process of law (see Fourteenth Amendment). The decision reversed an Arizona court's conviction of Ernesto Miranda…

Dease, Peter Warren

(Encyclopedia) Dease, Peter WarrenDease, Peter Warrendēs [key], 1788–1863, Canadian explorer. He was in the North West Company before its merger with the Hudson's Bay Company and later was a Hudson's…

Warren, Whitney

(Encyclopedia) Warren, Whitney, 1864–1943, American architect, b. New York City, studied at the École des Beaux-Arts. He began practice in New York City in 1894. Later he joined with Charles D.…

Warren, Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Warren, Joseph, 1741–75, political leader in the American Revolution, b. Roxbury, Mass. A Boston physician, he participated in the agitation against the Stamp Act (1765). He became a…

Burger, Warren Earl

(Encyclopedia) Burger, Warren Earl, 1907–95, American jurist, 15th chief justice of the United States (1969–86), b. St. Paul, Minn. After receiving his law degree in 1931 from St. Paul College of Law…

Marshall, Barry James

(Encyclopedia) Marshall, Barry James, 1951–, Australian physician, grad. Univ. of Western Australia (M.B., B.S., 1974). Marshall he was on the staff at the Royal Perth Hospital from 1977 to 1986 and…

Warren Sapp

Warren Sapp is the 300-pound former NFL lineman whose lightfooted appearance on Dancing With the Stars in 2008 made him an unlikely ballroom hero. Sapp played 13 seasons in the NFL -- nine with the…

Elizabeth Warren

Name at birth: Elizabeth HerringElizabeth Warren was a Harvard law professor and a leading consumer advocate before being elected to the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts in 2012. Elizabeth Warren was…

Estella Warren

Estella Warren was a hit wearing next to nothing for a series of ads for Perry Ellis fashions; later she became the key model for Chanel No. 5 perfume. Warren was a synchronized swimming champion in…