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Adler, Viktor

(Encyclopedia) Adler, ViktorAdler, Viktorvĭkˈtôr ädˈlər [key], 1852–1918, Austrian socialist politician and journalist, founder and leader of the Austrian Social Democratic party. Initially a German…

Warren, Earl

(Encyclopedia) Warren, Earl, 1891–1974, American public official and 14th chief justice of the United States (1953–69), b. Los Angeles. He graduated from the Univ. of California Law School in 1912.…

Stürgkh, Karl, Graf von

(Encyclopedia) Stürgkh, Karl, Graf vonStürgkh, Karl, Graf vonkärl gräf fən shtürk [key], 1859–1916, prime minister of Austria (1911–16). During World War I he governed without the unruly parliament…

Brentwood, towns, United States

(Encyclopedia) Brentwood. 1 Uninc. town (2020 pop. 63,399), Suffolk co., SE N.Y., on central Long Island, in the town of Islip. It is mainly…

Buffett, Warren Edward

(Encyclopedia) Buffett, Warren Edward Buffett, Warren Edward bŭfˈət [key], 1930–, American financial executive, b.…

Warren, Elizabeth

(Encyclopedia) Warren, Elizabeth, 1949- , American politician, b. Oklahoma City, Ok., as Elizabeth Ann Herring, Univ. of Houston (1970, B.S.);…

Stone, Barton Warren

(Encyclopedia) Stone, Barton Warren, 1772–1844, American clergyman of Kentucky. With four other ministers he withdrew from the Presbyterian Church and in 1804 began to form new churches whose members…

Sullivan, Louis Henry

(Encyclopedia) Sullivan, Louis Henry, 1856–1924, American architect, b. Boston, studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the École des Beaux-Arts, Paris. He is of great importance in…

De la Rue, Warren

(Encyclopedia) De la Rue, WarrenDe la Rue, Warrendĕlˈər&oomacr;, dĕlər&oomacr;ˈ [key], 1815–89, British scientist and inventor. Especially noted as an astronomer, he was a pioneer in…

Warren, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Warren, Charles, 1868–1954, American lawyer and historian, b. Boston. He was admitted to the Massachusetts bar in 1892. An assistant U.S. Attorney General (1914–18), he served as a…