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Adler, Felix

(Encyclopedia) Adler, FelixAdler, Felixădˈlər [key], 1851–1933, American educator and leader in social welfare, founder of the Ethical Culture movement, b. Germany. He was brought to the United…

Mortimer Adler 2001 Deaths

Mortimer AdlerAge: 98 philosopher, educator, and writer who helped to devise the Great Book learning program, which included 443 literary classics. His books include Aristotle for Everybody (…

Larry Adler 2001 Deaths

Larry AdlerAge: 87 musician whose skill helped to elevate the harmonica to a serious, concert-worthy instrument. He moved to London in 1952, after he was blacklisted in the U.S. He frequently…


(Encyclopedia) Warren. 1 City (1990 pop. 144,864), Macomb co., SE Mich., a suburb of Detroit; est. 1837, inc. as a city 1957. It is an important metalworking center where steel is processed. There is…

Adler, Cyrus

(Encyclopedia) Adler, CyrusAdler, Cyrusădˈlər [key], 1863–1940, American Jewish educator, grad. Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1883, Ph.D. Johns Hopkins, 1887. He taught Semitic languages at Johns Hopkins…

Warren, John

(Encyclopedia) Warren, John, 1753–1815, American surgeon, b. Roxbury, Mass.; grad. Harvard, 1771; brother of Joseph Warren. A leading surgeon of his time in New England, he served in the Revolution…

Warren, Gouverneur Kemble

(Encyclopedia) Warren, Gouverneur KembleWarren, Gouverneur Kemblegəvərnērˈ [key], 1830–82, Union general in the American Civil War, b. Cold Spring, N.Y. An army engineer, he assisted in the survey of…

Warren, J. Robin

(Encyclopedia) Warren, J. Robin (John Robin Warren), 1937–, Australian pathologist, grad. Univ. of Adelaide (M.B., B.S., 1961). He spent most of his career (1968–99) as a pathologist at the Royal…

Dr. Kurt Alfred Adler Biography

Dr. Kurt Alfred AdlerAge: 92 psychotherapist who sought to put into practice new approach developed by his father, famed Viennese psychiatrist, Alfred Adler. Died: May 28, 1997.Bobby…