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New, Harry Stewart

(Encyclopedia) New, Harry Stewart, 1858–1937, U.S. Postmaster General (1923–29) and politician, b. Indianapolis. He was long connected (1878–1903) with the Indianapolis Journal. New was an Indiana…

Davis, James John

(Encyclopedia) Davis, James John, 1873–1947, American public official, b. Wales. After emigrating (1881) to the United States, he worked as a puddler in ironworks in Pennsylvania and, moving to…

Harmon, Judson

(Encyclopedia) Harmon, Judson, 1846–1927, U.S. Attorney General and governor of Ohio, b. Newton, Ohio. He was a lawyer and a judge in Cincinnati for many years and served (1895–97) ably as U.S.…

Field Museum of Natural History

(Encyclopedia) Field Museum of Natural History, in Chicago, Ill. Founded in 1893 through the gifts of Marshall Field and others, it was first known as the Columbian Museum of Chicago and in 1905 was…

Calvino, Italo

(Encyclopedia) Calvino, ItaloCalvino, Italoĭtəlō călvēˈnō [key], 1923–85, Italian novelist. Calvino was one of the most popular novelists of the 20th cent. Although loneliness is an essential…

Stewart, Martha

(Encyclopedia) Stewart, Martha, 1941–, American entrepeneur and tastemaker, b. Jersey City, N.J., as Martha Helen Kostyra, grad. Barnard College (1963). Moving to Westport, Conn., she started (1976)…

Harding, Warren Gamaliel

(Encyclopedia) Harding, Warren GamalielHarding, Warren Gamalielgəmāˈlēəl [key], 1865–1923, 29th President of the United States (1921–23), b. Blooming Grove (now Corsica), Ohio. After study (1879–82)…

Ellenborough, Edward Law, 1st Baron

(Encyclopedia) Ellenborough, Edward Law, 1st Baron, 1750–1818, British jurist and statesman. He achieved fame through his successful defense of Warren Hastings in the impeachment trial (1788–95), but…

Five Forks

(Encyclopedia) Five Forks, crossroads near Dinwiddie Courthouse, SW of Petersburg, Va. The last important battle of the Civil War was fought there on Apr. 1, 1865. Philip H. Sheridan, leading his own…

Brown University

(Encyclopedia) Brown University, Providence, R.I.; coeducational chartered 1764 as Rhode Island College at Warren, opened 1765. It moved to Providence in 1770 and was renamed for Nicholas Brown in…