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Kretschmer, Ernest

(Encyclopedia) Kretschmer, ErnestKretschmer, Ernestkrĕchˈmər [key], 1888–1964, German psychiatrist, educated at Tübingen, Hamburg, and Münich (M.D., 1913). He served as director of the neurological…

Klaus, Josef

(Encyclopedia) Klaus, JosefKlaus, Josefyōˈzĕf klous [key], 1910–2001, Austrian politician. He was drafted into the army and fought in World War II on the Axis side. Chosen leader (1963) of the…

Machen, Arthur

(Encyclopedia) Machen, ArthurMachen, Arthurmăkˈən [key], 1863–1947, British author, b. Wales. He wrote a series of semiautobiographical fantasies, notably The Hill of Dreams (1907) and Far Off Things…

Lynen, Feodor

(Encyclopedia) Lynen, FeodorLynen, Feodorfāōˈdôr lēˈnən [key], 1911–79, German biochemist, grad. Univ. of Munich (Ph.D. 1937). He began teaching at the Max Planck Institute for Cell Chemistry in…

Charlotte, grand duchess of Luxembourg

(Encyclopedia) Charlotte, 1896–1985, grand duchess of Luxembourg (1919–64). The second daughter of Duke William of Nassau-Weilburg and a Portuguese princess, Marie Anne of Braganza, she succeeded her…

Horgan, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Horgan, Paul (Paul George Vincent O'Shaughnessy Horgan), 1903–95, American writer, b. Buffalo, N.Y. His diverse works reflect his fascination with the effects of history and landscape…

Head, Bessie

(Encyclopedia) Head, Bessie, 1937–86, South African writer. Born in South Africa to a white mother and black father, she was placed in foster homes and orphanages as a child. After 1964, she lived in…

Head Start

(Encyclopedia) Head Start, U.S. educational program for disadvantaged preschool children, established under the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. Aimed initially only at poor children, its purpose…

Onsager, Lars

(Encyclopedia) Onsager, Lars, 1903–76, American physical chemist, b. Oslo, Ph.D. Yale, 1935. Onsager taught at Brown Univ. from 1928 to 1933 and was on the faculty at Yale from 1933 until his…

Fleming, Peggy

(Encyclopedia) Fleming, Peggy, 1948–, American ice skater, b. San Jose, Calif. She began skating at age 9, and after distinguished accomplishments as a juvenile and novice skater, she was U.S. Ladies…