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Franck, James

(Encyclopedia) Franck, JamesFranck, Jamesfrängk [key], 1882–1964, German physicist. He was professor of physics at Göttingen and at Johns Hopkins (1935–38) and professor of physical chemistry at the…

Hélou, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Hélou, CharlesHélou, Charleshĕlˈ&oomacr; [key], 1911–2001, Lebanese political leader. After working as a newspaper publisher, he was appointed (1947) Lebanon's representative to…

Webb, Mary (Meredith)

(Encyclopedia) Webb, Mary (Meredith), 1881–1927, English novelist. Her native Shropshire is the scene of all her novels, which are somber, passionate, and infused with an intense feeling for the…

Wilson, Henry Maitland Wilson, 1st Baron

(Encyclopedia) Wilson, Henry Maitland Wilson, 1st Baron, 1881–1964, British field marshal. He served in the South African War and World War I and in 1939 became commander of the British forces in…

Sanders, Bernie

(Encyclopedia) Sanders, Bernie (Bernard Sanders), 1941–, American politician, b. Brooklyn, N.Y. The son of Jewish immigrants from Poland, he spent a…

Sydney, city, Australia

(Encyclopedia) Sydney, city (2016 pop. 208,374, Greater Sydney 2016 pop. 4,823,991), capital of New South Wales, SE Australia, surrounding Port Jackson inlet on the Pacific Ocean. Sydney is Australia…

Mead, Margaret

(Encyclopedia) Mead, Margaret, 1901–78, American anthropologist, b. Philadelphia, grad. Barnard, 1923, Ph.D. Columbia, 1929. In 1926 she became assistant curator, in 1942 associate curator, and from…

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice

(Encyclopedia) Merleau-Ponty, MauriceMerleau-Ponty, Mauricemōrēsˈ mĕrlōˈ-pôNtēˈ [key], 1908–61, French philosopher. He graduated (1931) from the École normale supérieure, Paris, and after World War…

Paz Estenssoro, Victor

(Encyclopedia) Paz Estenssoro, VictorPaz Estenssoro, Victorvēktōrˈ päs āstānsōˈrō [key], 1907–2001, president of Bolivia (1952–56, 1960–64, 1985–89). An attorney and economist born into a land-owning…

Close, Chuck

(Encyclopedia) Close, Chuck (Charles Thomas Close), 1940–2021, American painter, b. Monroe, Wash., Univ. of Washington (B.A., 1962), Yale Univ. (B.F.A…