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Nyerere, Julius Kambarage

(Encyclopedia) Nyerere, Julius Kambarage Nyerere, Julius Kambarage kämˌbəräˈgā nīˌərāˈrā…

Franck, James

(Encyclopedia) Franck, JamesFranck, Jamesfrängk [key], 1882–1964, German physicist. He was professor of physics at Göttingen and at Johns Hopkins (1935–38) and professor of physical chemistry at the…

Anderson, Mary

(Encyclopedia) Anderson, Mary, 1872–1964, American labor expert, chief (1919–44) of the Women's Bureau, U.S. Dept. of Labor, b. Sweden. She emigrated to the United States in 1888. After some years as…

Hélou, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Hélou, CharlesHélou, Charleshĕlˈ&oomacr; [key], 1911–2001, Lebanese political leader. After working as a newspaper publisher, he was appointed (1947) Lebanon's representative to…

Ásgeirsson, Ásgeir

(Encyclopedia) Ásgeirsson, ÁsgeirÁsgeirsson, Ásgeiräsˈkĕr äsˈkĕrsôn [key], 1894–1972, Icelandic statesman, president of Iceland (1952–68). He was a member of the Icelandic parliament from 1923 to…

Daly City

(Encyclopedia) Daly City, city (2020 pop. 104,901), San Mateo co., W Calif., a suburb of San Francisco; inc. 1911. Daly City is primarily residential,…


(Encyclopedia) DiophantusDiophantusdīəfănˈtəs [key], fl. a.d. 250, Greek algebraist. He pioneered in solving a type of indeterminate algebraic equation where one seeks integer values for the unknowns…

Kozlov, Frol Romanovich

(Encyclopedia) Kozlov, Frol RomanovichKozlov, Frol Romanovichfrōl rəmäˈnəvĭch kŏzlŏfˈ [key], 1908–65, Soviet Communist leader. Early in his career he joined the Communist party and rose in the party…

National Museum of Anthropology

(Encyclopedia) National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City. The present building, designed by Pedro Ramírez Vázquez and inspired by ancient Mexican architecture, was opened in 1964 and houses choice…

Webb, Mary (Meredith)

(Encyclopedia) Webb, Mary (Meredith), 1881–1927, English novelist. Her native Shropshire is the scene of all her novels, which are somber, passionate, and infused with an intense feeling for the…