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Cernuda, Luis

(Encyclopedia) Cernuda, LuisCernuda, Luisl&oomacr;ēsˈ thārn&oomacr;ˈᵺä [key], 1904–63, Spanish poet. Cernuda fled Spain after the Spanish civil war and taught abroad. His works include La…

Villarrica volcano, Chile

(Encyclopedia) VillarricaVillarricavēˌyärēˈkä [key], active volcano, 9,338 ft (2,847 m), Cautín prov., S central Chile, in the Andes on the SE shore of Lake Villarrica, 60 mi (97 km) SE of Temuco. It…

Black, Max

(Encyclopedia) Black, Max, 1909–88, American analytical philosopher, b. Baku, Russia (now Bakı, Azerbaijan), grad. Cambridge, Ph.D. Univ. of London, 1939. He taught at the Univ. of Illinois (1940–46…

Béliveau, Jean Arthur

(Encyclopedia) Béliveau, Jean Arthur, 1931–2014, Canadian ice hockey player, b. Trois-Rivières, Québec. He joined the Montreal Canadiens of the National Hockey League in 1953, playing for 18 seasons…

Beauvoir, Simone de

(Encyclopedia) Beauvoir, Simone deBeauvoir, Simone desēmônˈ də bōvwärˈ [key], 1908–86, French author. A leading exponent of existentialism, she is closely associated with Jean-Paul Sartre, with whom…

Le Clézio, Jean-Marie Gustave

(Encyclopedia) Le Clézio, Jean-Marie Gustave, 1940–, French novelist, b. Nice, grad. Univ. of Nice (L. ès L., 1963), Univ. of Aix-en-Provence (M.A., 1964), Univ. of Perpignan (D. ès L., 1983). He…

Cela, Camilo José

(Encyclopedia) Cela, Camilo JoséCela, Camilo Josékämēˈlō hōsāˈ thāˈlä [key], 1916–2002, Spanish novelist, short-story writer, and poet, b. Iria Flavia. Among the writers to emerge after the Spanish…

Wilson, Lanford

(Encyclopedia) Wilson, Lanford, 1937–2011, American playwright, b. Lebanon, Mo. An important figure in modern drama, he was a master of earthy, realistic dialogue in which monologue, conversation,…

Veblen, Thorstein

(Encyclopedia) Veblen, ThorsteinVeblen, Thorsteinthôrˈstīn vĕbˈlən [key], 1857–1929, American economist and social critic, b. Cato Township, Wis. Of Norwegian parentage, he spent his first 17 years…

Paul VI, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Paul VI, Saint, 1897–1978, pope (1963–78), an Italian (b. Concesio, near Brescia) named Giovanni Battista Montini; successor of John XXIII. The broader international outlook of the…