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(Encyclopedia) JáchymovJáchymovyäˈkhĭmôf [key], Ger. Joachimsthal, town, NW Czech Republic, in Bohemia, in the Erzgebirge [ore mountains]. The productivity of its uranium mines, once extensive, has…


(Encyclopedia) macramémacramémăkˈrəmāˌ [key], a technique of decorative knotting employing simple basic knots to create a multitude of patterns. The term derives from an Arabic word for braided…


(Encyclopedia) mestizomestizomāstēˈsō [key] [Span.,=mixture], person of mixed race; particularly, in Mexico and Central and South America, a person of European (Spanish or Portuguese) and indigenous…

Pierce, John

(Encyclopedia) Pierce, John, 1910–2002, American electrical engineer, b. Des Moines, Iowa, grad. California Institute of Technology (Ph.D. 1936). Pierce worked at the Bell Telephone Laboratories,…


(Encyclopedia) PenetanguishenePenetanguishenepĕnˌətăngˌgəshēnˈ, –gwəshēnˈ [key], town (1991 pop. 6,643), S Ont., Canada, on Penetanguishene Bay, an inlet of Georgian Bay. The name is a Native…


(Encyclopedia) charadecharadeshərādˈ [key], verbal, written, or acted representation of a word, its syllables, or a number of words. The object is to guess the idea being conveyed. Winthrop M. Praed…


(Encyclopedia) clapboardclapboardklăbˈərd [key], board used for the exterior finish of a wood-framed building and attached horizontally to the wood studs. The word, in its original and strict use,…

Verner, Karl Adolf

(Encyclopedia) Verner, Karl AdolfVerner, Karl Adolfvûrˈnər, Dan. kärl äˈdôlf vĕrˈnər [key], 1846–96, Danish philologist. Verner was a librarian at the Univ. of Halle (now in E Germany) and a…

Uralic and Altaic languages

(Encyclopedia) Uralic and Altaic languagesUralic and Altaic languagesy&oobreve;rălˈĭk, ăltāˈĭk [key], two groups of related languages thought by many scholars to form a single Ural-Altaic…