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(Encyclopedia) chowder, stew of fish or shellfish with potatoes, onions, and pork (usually salt pork), thickened with crumbled hard bread. The name chowder seems to have originated from the French…


(Encyclopedia) ChaosChaoskāˈōs [key], in Greek religion and mythology, vacant, unfathomable space. From it arose all things, earthly and divine. There are various legends explaining it. In one…


(Encyclopedia) Giresun Giresun gērĕs&oomacr;nˈ [key], city, capital of Giresun prov., NE Turkey, a port on the…


(Encyclopedia) abracadabraabracadabraăbˌrəkədăbˈrə [key], magical formula used by the Gnostics (see Gnosticism) to invoke the aid of benevolent spirits to ward off disease and affliction. It is…


(Encyclopedia) agnosticismagnosticismăgnŏsˈtĭsĭzəm [key], form of skepticism that holds that the existence of God cannot be logically proved or disproved. Among prominent agnostics have been Auguste…

Cernuschi, Henri

(Encyclopedia) Cernuschi, HenriCernuschi, Henrichārn&oomacr;ˈskē [key], 1821–96, Italian politician and economist. A strong republican, he was a leader in the Milan revolt of 1848 in support of…

Nicaea, First Council of

(Encyclopedia) Nicaea, First Council of, 325, 1st ecumenical council, convened by Roman Emperor Constantine the Great to solve the problems raised by Arianism. It has been said that 318 persons…


(Encyclopedia) metabolism, sum of all biochemical processes involved in life. Two subcategories of metabolism are anabolism, the building up of complex organic molecules from simpler precursors, and…

Russian language

(Encyclopedia) Russian language, also called Great Russian, member of the East Slavic group of the Slavic subfamily of the Indo-European family of languages (see Slavic languages). The principal…


(Encyclopedia) prose [Lat. prosa oratio=straightforward, or direct, speech], meaningful and grammatical written or spoken language that does not utilize the metrical structure, word transposition, or…