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(Encyclopedia) figure, in music, short melodic or rhythmic pattern, the smallest grouping of notes that will produce a single distinct impression. In this sense figure is synonymous with motive. In…


(Encyclopedia) concert, in music, public performance of a group of musical compositions. Originally the word referred simply to a group of musicians playing together; concerts by a solo performer are…


(Encyclopedia) carboloycarboloykärˈbəloi [key] [portmanteau word from carbon and alloy], an alloy containing cobalt, tungsten, and carbon. This alloy is extremely hard, harder than steel; it is used…


(Encyclopedia) wigwamwigwamwĭgˈwäm [key], dwelling found among the Algonquian of the Eastern woodlands area of the United States. The wigwam was usually conical, arborlike, or domed. Some were small…


(Encyclopedia) BillingsgateBillingsgatebĭlˈĭngzgĭt, –gāt [key], wharf and fish market, London, England, on the north bank of the Thames River. The market was named after a river gate in the old city…


(Encyclopedia) hadithhadithhädēthˈ [key], a tradition or the collection of the traditions of Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, including his sayings and deeds, and his tacit approval of what was said…


(Encyclopedia) Eskimo-Aleut, family of Native American languages consisting of Aleut (spoken on the Aleutian Islands and the Kodiak Peninsula) and Eskimo or Inuktitut (spoken in Alaska, Canada,…


(Encyclopedia) verb, part of speech typically used to indicate an action. English verbs are inflected for person, number, tense and partially for mood; compound verbs formed with auxiliaries (e.g.,…

John, Gospel according to Saint

(Encyclopedia) John, Gospel according to Saint, fourth book of the New Testament. This account of Jesus' life is clearly set off from the other three Gospels (see Synoptic Gospels), although it is…

Laning, Edward

(Encyclopedia) Laning, EdwardLaning, Edwardlănˈĭng [key], 1906–1981, American painter, b. Petersburg, Ill., studied Art Institute of Chicago and Art Students League of New York. He is best known as a…