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(Encyclopedia) bungalow [Indian bangla,=house], dwelling built in a style developed from that of a form of rural house in India. The original bungalow typically has one story, few rooms, and a…

Behring, Emil Adolph von

(Encyclopedia) Behring, Emil Adolph vonBehring, Emil Adolph vonāˈmēl äˈdōlf fən bârˈĭng [key], 1854–1917, German physician. He worked with Kitasato at Koch's laboratory in Berlin and from 1895 was…


(Encyclopedia) vielleviellevyĕl [key], bowed string instrument used throughout Europe from the 13th cent. through the 15th cent. The vielle resembles the violin, of which it is a direct precursor,…


(Encyclopedia) SoliSolisōˈlī [key], ancient city of Cilicia, SW of Tarsus, in present-day Turkey. It was founded c.700 b.c. by colonists from Rhodes. An important port at the time of Alexander the…


(Encyclopedia) spell, word, formula, or incantation believed to have magical powers. The spell can be used for evil or good ends; if evil, it is a technique of sorcery. Many authorities believe that…

Richard of Saint Victor

(Encyclopedia) Richard of Saint Victor, d. 1173, Scottish monk and mystic, prior of the Abbey of St. Victor, Paris. His principal importance is in the history of mystical theology, in which he is a…


(Encyclopedia) abracadabraabracadabraăbˌrəkədăbˈrə [key], magical formula used by the Gnostics (see Gnosticism) to invoke the aid of benevolent spirits to ward off disease and affliction. It is…


(Encyclopedia) Giresun Giresun gērĕs&oomacr;nˈ [key], city, capital of Giresun prov., NE Turkey, a port on the…

magic square

(Encyclopedia) magic square, a square divided into parts with letters or numbers inscribed therein that, whether combined vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, form the same sum or the same word.…


(Encyclopedia) chowder, stew of fish or shellfish with potatoes, onions, and pork (usually salt pork), thickened with crumbled hard bread. The name chowder seems to have originated from the French…