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(Encyclopedia) Castleford Castleford kăsˈəlfərd [key], town, Wakefield metropolitan district, central England, at the…

standard time

(Encyclopedia) standard time, civil time used within a given time zone. The earth is divided into 24 time zones, each of which is about 15° of longitude wide and corresponds to one hour of time.…


(Encyclopedia) Hollywood. 1 Community (2020 population 35,757) within the city of Los Angeles, S Calif., on the slopes of the Santa Monica Mts.; inc.…

Nuevo León

(Encyclopedia) Nuevo LeónNuevo Leónnwāˈvō lāōnˈ [key], state (1990 pop. 3,098,736), 25,136 sq mi (65,102 sq km), N Mexico. Monterrey is the capital. The southern and western parts of the state are…

Mexico, state, Mexico

(Encyclopedia) Mexico, Span. México or Méjico, state (1990 pop. 9,815,795), 8,286 sq mi (21,461 sq km), S central Mexico. Toluca is the capital. The northern section of the state, containing most of…

Dawkins, Richard

(Encyclopedia) Dawkins, Richard (Clinton Richard Dawkins), 1941– British evolutionary biologist and ethologist, b. Kenya, Ph.D. Oxford, 1966. He was a research assistant under Nikolaas Tinbergen at…

giant clam

(Encyclopedia) giant clam, common name for the largest bivalve mollusk in the world, Tridacna gigas, also known as the bear's paw clam. The giant clam may weigh over 500 lb (225 kg) and attain a…

Barrow, Errol

(Encyclopedia) Barrow, Errol, 1920–87, prime minister of Barbados (1966–76, 1986–87). After serving as a British Royal Air Force pilot and navigator (1940–47), he obtained (1949) a law degree in…