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Suzuki, Zenko

(Encyclopedia) Suzuki, Zenko, 1911–2004, Japanese politican. A founder of the ruling Liberal Democratic party (1955), he became prime minister on the death of Masayoshi Ohira (1980). Criticism from…

Smeaton, John

(Encyclopedia) Smeaton, JohnSmeaton, Johnsmēˈtən [key], 1724–92, English civil engineer. He became an instrument maker, improved navigation instruments, and carried out many experiments on mechanical…

Taupo, Lake

(Encyclopedia) Taupo, LakeTaupo, Laketouˈpō [key], largest lake of New Zealand, 234 sq mi (606 sq km) and 552 ft (168 m) deep, in central North Island. Originally fed by over 20 streams, the lake is…

Joint Chiefs of Staff

(Encyclopedia) Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. statutory agency, created in 1949 within the Dept. of Defense. The chairman is the principal military adviser to the President, the National Security…

National Youth Administration

(Encyclopedia) National Youth Administration (NYA), former U.S. government agency established in 1935 within the Works Progress Administration; it was transferred in 1939 to the Federal Security…

Mulock, Sir William

(Encyclopedia) Mulock, Sir William, 1844–1944, Canadian statesman and jurist, b. Ontario. A lawyer, he served (1882–1905) as a Liberal in the House of Commons. As postmaster general (1896–1905) in…

Augsburg, Peace of

(Encyclopedia) Augsburg, Peace of, 1555, temporary settlement within the Holy Roman Empire of the religious conflict arising from the Reformation. Each prince was to determine whether Lutheranism or…


(Encyclopedia) Copahue, active volcano, 9,688 ft (2,953 m) high, on the central Argentina-Chile border. A stratovolcano (see volcano) consisting of an elongated composite cone with nine craters…

composition, in art

(Encyclopedia) composition, in art, the organization of forms and colors within the work of art. In traditional sculpture this means the arrangement of masses and planes. In representational painting…

Christian Endeavor

(Encyclopedia) Christian Endeavor, association in evangelical Protestant Churches for strengthening spiritual life and promoting Christian activities among its members. The first Young People's…