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(Encyclopedia) soman, colorless liquid used as a nerve gas. It boils at 167℃, evolving an odorless vapor. It is rapidly absorbed through the skin; death may result within 15 min of exposure. In…

foreign exchange

(Encyclopedia) foreign exchange, methods and instruments used to adjust the payment of debts between two nations that employ different currency systems. A nation's balance of payments has an…

X Prize Foundation

(Encyclopedia) X Prize Foundation, private, nonprofit prize institute est. 1995 by commercial space entrepreneur Peter Diamandis. Based in Santa Monica, Calif., and funded by foundations and private…

Ceauşescu, Nicolae

(Encyclopedia) Ceauşescu, NicolaeCeauşescu, Nicolaenēkŏlīˈ choushĕsˈk&oomacr; [key], 1918–89, Romanian statesman. The son of a peasant, he early became active in the Romanian Communist movement…

Chimney Rock National Monument

(Encyclopedia) Chimney Rock National Monument, 4,726 acres (1,913 hectares), SW Colorado; est. 2012. Located in San Juan National Forest, it is bordered by the Southern Ute reservation. Within the…

Frauds, Statute of

(Encyclopedia) Frauds, Statute of, basis of most modern laws requiring that certain promises must be in writing in order to be enforceable; it was passed by the English Parliament in 1677. In the…

Curtin, John

(Encyclopedia) Curtin, John, 1885–1945, Australian political leader. A labor union secretary, he edited (1917–28) a labor weekly and was later a member of the lower house—from 1928 to 1941, except…


(Encyclopedia) LatacungaLatacungalätäk&oomacr;ngˈgä [key], city (1990 pop. 39,882), capital of Cotopaxi prov., N central Ecuador. A town of the ancient Incas, it is in a high mountain basin…

Winter Haven

(Encyclopedia) Winter Haven, resort city (1990 pop. 24,725), Polk co., central Fla; settled 1883. It is a marketing, processing, and shipping center for one of the state's chief citrus-fruit regions…