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(Encyclopedia) annual, plant that germinates from seed, blossoms, produces seed, and dies within one year. Annuals propagate themselves by seed only, unlike many biennials and perennials. They are…

Highland Park

(Encyclopedia) Highland Park. 1 City (2020 pop. 29,415), Lake co., NE Ill., a suburb of Chicago on Lake Michigan; inc. 1869. It is a retail business…


(Encyclopedia) AbsheronAbsheronəpshĭrônˈ [key]Absheronäpshĭrônˈ [key] or ApsheronApsheronəp– [key], peninsula, c.40 mi (60 km) long, extending into the Caspian Sea, E Azerbaijan. It is a dry, hilly…

Jameson, Sir Leander Starr

(Encyclopedia) Jameson, Sir Leander Starr, 1853–1917, British colonial administrator and statesman in South Africa. He went to Kimberley (1878) as a physician, became associated with Cecil Rhodes in…


(Encyclopedia) IsmailiaIsmailiaĭzmāəlēˈə [key] or Al IsmailiyahIsmailiaäl ĭsmăĭlēˈyə [key], city (1986 est. pop. 212,759), capital of Ismailia governorate, NE Egypt. It is the seat of the Suez Canal…


(Encyclopedia) immanenceimmanenceĭmˈənəns [key] [Lat.,=dwelling in], in metaphysics, the presence within the natural world of a spiritual or cosmic principle, especially of the Deity. It is…

Lydia, ancient country, Asia

(Encyclopedia) Lydia, ancient country, W Asia Minor, N of Caria and S of Mysia (now NW Turkey). The tyrant Gyges was the founder of the Mermnadae dynasty, which lasted from c.700 b.c. to 550 b.c. The…

Mohammed, W. Deen

(Encyclopedia) Mohammed, W. Deen (Warith Deen Mohammed), 1933–2008, American Muslim leader, b. Detroit as Wallace Dean Muhammad. The son of Nation of Islam (Black Muslim) leader Elijah Muhammad, he…

Memel Territory

(Encyclopedia) Memel TerritoryMemel Territorymāˈməl [key], Ger. Memelland, name applied to the district (1,092 sq mi/2,828 sq km) of former East Prussia situated on the east coast of the Baltic Sea…

Dawes Act

(Encyclopedia) Dawes Act or General Allotment Act, 1887, passed by the U.S. Congress to provide for the granting of landholdings (allotments, usually 160 acres/65 hectares) to individual Native…