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Thomasius, Christian

(Encyclopedia) Thomasius, ChristianThomasius, Christiankrĭsˈtyän tōmäˈzy&oobreve;s [key], 1655–1728, German jurist and philosopher. A lawyer, he lectured on natural law at Leipzig; he broke with…

Williams, Eric

(Encyclopedia) Williams, Eric, 1911–81, prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago (1961–81). He attended Oxford and taught at Howard Univ. in Washington, D.C. (1939–53). Returning to Trinidad, he founded…

Willis Tower

(Encyclopedia) Willis Tower, formerly the Sears Tower, Chicago, the second tallest building in the United States. Until the completion of the 1,483-ft (452-m) Petronas Towers (1998) in Kuala Lumpur,…

Tlaxcala , state, Mexico

(Encyclopedia) TlaxcalaTlaxcalatläskäˈlä [key], state (1990 pop. 761,277), 1,555 sq mi (4,027 sq km), E central Mexico. Tlaxcala is the capital. It is the smallest and one of the most densely…


(Encyclopedia) WAC (Women's Army Corps), U.S. army organization created (1942) during World War II to enlist women as auxiliaries for noncombatant duty in the U.S. army. Before 1943 it was known as…

Vostok, Lake

(Encyclopedia) Vostok, LakeVostok, Lakeväˈstôk [key], c.3,900 sq mi (10,000 sq km), c.155 mi (250 km) long and 30 mi (50 km) at its greatest width, in East Antartica beneath the remote Vostok…

Sunda Islands

(Encyclopedia) Sunda IslandsSunda Islandssŭnˈdə [key], mainly in Indonesia, between the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean, comprising the western part of the Malay Archipelago. It includes two…

tent caterpillar

(Encyclopedia) tent caterpillar, common name for the larvae of the members of a family of moths (Lasiocampidae), easily recognized by the large silk tents, or webs, that the larvae construct during…

industrial union

(Encyclopedia) industrial union, labor union composed of all the workers in a given industry, regardless of skill, craft, or occupation (as opposed to the craft union, in which all members are of one…


(Encyclopedia) nationality, in political theory, the quality of belonging to a nation, in the sense of a group united by various strong ties. Among the usual ties are membership in the same general…