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The Wedding of Mrs. Fox

The Wedding of Mrs. FoxFirst Story There was once upon a time an old fox with nine tails, who believed that his wife was not faithful to him, and wished to put her to the test. He stretched…

The Devil's Dictionary: Wedding

by Ambrose Bierce WEATHERWEREWOLFWEDDING -n. A ceremony at which two persons undertake to become one, one undertakes to become nothing, and nothing undertakes to become supportable…

Brewer's: Bloody Wedding

St. Bartholomew's slaughter in 1572 is so called because it took place during the marriage feast of Henri (afterwards Henri IV.,) and Marguerite (daughter of Catherine ). Source:…

White House Wedding

The Question: Has a president ever been married in the White House? The Answer: Yes. Grover Cleveland, the only U.S. president to serve two…

Brewer's: Wedding Anniversaries

The 5th anniversary is called the Wooden wedding, The 10th anniversary is called the Tin wedding, The 15th anniversary is called the…

Brewer's: Wedding Finger

Macrobius says the thumb is too busy to be set apart, the forefinger and little finger are only half protected, the middle finger is called medicus,…

Brewer's: Wedding Knives

Undoubtedly, one knife or more than one was in Chaucer's time part of a bride's paraphernalia. Allusions to this custom are very numerous. “…

Brewer's: Irish Wedding

When a person has a black eye we sometimes say to him, “You have been to an Irish wedding, I see,” because the Irish are more famous for giving their guests on these occasions black eyes…

Wedding Bell Blues

Director: Dana LustigWriter: Annette Goliti GutierrezDirector of Photography:Kent WakefordEditor:Caroline RossMusic:Paul Christian Gordon and Tal BergmanProduction Designer:Shay…

Brewer's: Silver Wedding

The twenty-fifth anniversáry, when, in Germany, the woman has a silver wreath presented her. On the fiftieth anniversary, or GOLDEN WEDDING, the wreath is of gold. Source: Dictionary of…