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Wedding Lore and Traditions

Traditions around tying the knot Marriage Statistics Median Age at First Marriage Marriages and Divorces Marriage Rates for Selected Countries Related Statistics Related Links Wedding Quotations…

The Devil's Dictionary: Wedding

by Ambrose Bierce WEATHERWEREWOLFWEDDING -n. A ceremony at which two persons undertake to become one, one undertakes to become nothing, and nothing undertakes to become supportable…

Brewer's: Silver Wedding

The twenty-fifth anniversáry, when, in Germany, the woman has a silver wreath presented her. On the fiftieth anniversary, or GOLDEN WEDDING, the wreath is of gold. Source: Dictionary of…

Brewer's: Wedding Anniversaries

The 5th anniversary is called the Wooden wedding, The 10th anniversary is called the Tin wedding, The 15th anniversary is called the…

Brewer's: Wedding Finger

Macrobius says the thumb is too busy to be set apart, the forefinger and little finger are only half protected, the middle finger is called medicus,…

Brewer's: Wedding Knives

Undoubtedly, one knife or more than one was in Chaucer's time part of a bride's paraphernalia. Allusions to this custom are very numerous. “…

Brewer's: Bloody Wedding

St. Bartholomew's slaughter in 1572 is so called because it took place during the marriage feast of Henri (afterwards Henri IV.,) and Marguerite (daughter of Catherine ). Source:…

Brewer's: Parisian Wedding

(The). The massacre of St. Bartholomew, part of the wedding festivity at the marriage of Henri of Navarre and Margaret of France. “Charles IX., although it was not possible for him to…

Brewer's: Penny Weddings

Wedding banquets in Scotland, to which a number of persons were invited, each of whom paid a small sum of money not exceeding a shilling. After defraying the expenses of the feast, the…

Brewer's: Irish Wedding

When a person has a black eye we sometimes say to him, “You have been to an Irish wedding, I see,” because the Irish are more famous for giving their guests on these occasions black eyes…