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Wesker, Arnold

(Encyclopedia) Wesker, Arnold, 1932–, English playwright, b. London. At various times he has been a carpenter's mate, a seed sorter, and a pastry cook. His plays Chicken Soup with Barley (1958),…

Schwartz, Delmore

(Encyclopedia) Schwartz, Delmore, 1913–66, American poet, b. New York City, grad. New York Univ., 1935. He was an editor of the Partisan Review (1943–55). His first work, In Dreams Begin…


(Encyclopedia) MedeaMedeamĭdēˈə [key], in Greek mythology, princess of Colchis, skilled in magic and sorcery. She fell in love with Jason and helped him, against the will of her father, Aeëtes, to…

Meyer, Conrad Ferdinand

(Encyclopedia) Meyer, Conrad FerdinandMeyer, Conrad Ferdinandkônˈrät fĕrˈdēnänt mīˈər [key], 1825–98, Swiss poet and novelist. He studied history and art and later turned to literature. He is best…

ring, piece of jewelry

(Encyclopedia) ring, small ornamental hoop usually worn on finger or thumb, but it may be attached to the ear or the nose. Finger rings made of bronze, gold, and silver from the period c.2600–1500 b.…

British Royalty History: Royal Wedding 2011

Royal Wedding 2011 Find all the information you need for the big day from who's invited to who's not, the ceremony, the carriage route, and the after party. Check out a history royal…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: Fragment: Wedded Souls

by Percy Bysshe Shelley Fragment: Love's Tender AtmosphereFragment: 'Is It That in Some ...Fragment: Wedded Souls Published by Dr. Garnett, "Relics of Shelley", 1862. I am as a spirit…

Labiche, Eugène Marin

(Encyclopedia) Labiche, Eugène MarinLabiche, Eugène Marinözhĕnˈ märăNˈ läbēshˈ [key], 1815–88, French playwright. He was a prolific author, often collaborating with other writers, particularly Marc…


(Encyclopedia) DanaüsDanaüsdănˈāəs [key], in Greek mythology, son of Belus and Anchinoe and twin of Aegyptus. Danaüs, who had 50 daughters, the Danaïds, and Aegyptus, who had 50 sons, ruled Libya and…