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Brewer's: Montgomery

in North Wales; so called from Roger de Montgomery, Earl of Shrewsbury, who won the castle of Baldwyn, lieutenant of the marches to William the Conqueror. Before this time it was called “…

Brewer's: Waits

Street musicians, who serenade the principal inhabitants at Christmas-time, especially on Christmas Eve. From Rymer's Faedra we learn it was the duty…

Brewer's: Wats Dyke

(Flintshire). A corruption of Wato's Dyke. Wato was the father of Weland, the Vulcan of Northern mythology, and the son of King Vilkinr by a mermaid.…

Brewer's: Goodman

A husband or master is the Saxon guma or goma (a man), which in the inflected cases becomes guman or goman. In St. Matt. xxiv. 43, “If the goodman of the house had known in what watch the…

Brewer's: Death's Head

Bawds and procuresses used to wear a ring bearing the impression of a death's head in the time of Queen Elizabeth. Allusions not uncommon in plays of the period. “Sell some of my cloaths…

Brewer's: Azrael

(3 syl.). The angel that watches over the dying, and takes the soul from the body. The angel of death. He will be the last to die, but will do so at the second trump of the archangel. “The…

Advanced-Level Science Projects: Copper Magic

Copper MagicAdvanced-Level Science ProjectsChemistryWhat's in a Color?Copper Magic This is an easy experiment to conduct, but interesting because it involves several chemical reactions and you get…

Science Projects: Making Eggs That Bounce

Making Eggs That BounceScience ProjectsJust for the Fun of It!Making Invisible InkMaking Eggs That BounceDo Odor and Bacteria Go Hand-in-Hand?The Sweetest Experiment Did you ever try to bounce an…

Abraham Lincoln Biography

Read and watch to learn more about our 16th president Watch this video to learn about Abraham Lincoln as a man and president. Hear about Lincoln's…