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Walt Whitman: The Return of the Heroes

The Return of the HeroesPart 1For the lands and for these passionate days and for myself, Now I awhile retire to thee O soil of autumn fields, Reclining on thy breast, giving myself to thee,…

The Song of Hiawatha: The Ghosts

The Death of Kwasind The Famine The Ghosts Never stoops the soaring vulture On his quarry in the desert, On the sick or wounded bison, But another vulture, watching From his high…

Charlotte's Web

Spotlight on the popular children's book by Holly Hartman Related Links Charlotte's Web Book Quiz Charlotte's Web Quotes Quiz Charlotte's Web Hangman Other Animal Books Stuart…

<em>New Moon</em> Movie Review

Director Chris Weitz turns up the heat in the second Twilight film by Catherine McNiff Related Links New Moon TriviaNew Moon QuizTwilight PollTwilight HangmanTwilight PageHere…

Olive Tilford Dargan: Path Flower

Path FlowerOlive Tilford DarganA red-cap sang in Bishop's wood, A lark o'er Golder's lane, As I the April pathway trod Bound west for Willesden.At foot each tiny blade grew big And taller…

The Congress of Women: Women in the Greek Drama

by Mrs. Julia Ward Howe The Nineteenth CenturyNeedlework as Taught in StockholmWomen in the Greek Drama Mrs. Julia Ward Howe is a native of New York City. She was born May 27, 1819. Her…

Movies and Film: Shooting (in) the War

Shooting (in) the WarMovies and FilmBritish Film HistoryThe BeginningsShooting (in) the WarThe Lean YearsEngland's Left Foot: Irish Cinema Not all movies made in England between 1940 and 1945…

Habakkuk: 2

Habakkuk Chapter 2 1 I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved. 2 And the LORD answered me…