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Displaying 181 - 190

Walt Whitman: Whispers of Heavenly Death

Whispers of Heavenly DeathDarest Thou Now O SoulWhispers of Heavenly DeathChanting the Square DeificOf Him I Love Day and NightYet, Yet, Ye Downcast HoursAs If a Phantom Caress'd…

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

Harry Potter and the Midnight Show by Sarah Rowen Deathly Hallows Quizzes Deathly Hallows: I Quiz Deathly Hallows: II Quiz Deathly Hallows: III Quiz Deathly Hallows: IV Quiz…

Daily Entertainment and Cultural Activities

Did yesterdayJan. 1994(percent)April 1998(percent)April 2000(percent)April 2002(percent)April 2004(percent)Watched TV news72%59%56%55%60%Read newspaper4948474142Listened to radio…

The Goose-Girl

The Goose-Girl The king of a great land died, and left his queen to take care of their only child. This child was a daughter, who was very beautiful; and her mother loved her dearly, and was…

Walt Whitman: Song of the Exposition, Part 5

Part 5We do not blame thee elder World, nor really separate ourselves from thee, (Would the son separate himself from the father?) Looking back on thee, seeing thee to thy duties, grandeurs,…

Christina Rossetti: Martyrs' Song

Martyrs' SongWe meet in joy, though we part in sorrow; We part to-night, but we meet to-morrow. Be it flood or blood the path that's trod, All the same it leads home to God: Be it furnace-…