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Clark, Mark Wayne

(Encyclopedia) Clark, Mark Wayne, 1896–1984, U.S. general, b. Madison Barracks, N.Y. A West Point graduate, he served as a captain in World War I and rose to become (1942) army ground forces chief of…

Do Muoi

(Encyclopedia) Do Muoi, 1917–2018, Vietnamese political leader, originally named Nguyen Duy Cong. He joined the fight against French rule as a teenager, became a Communist party member in 1939, and…

Budenny, Semyon Mikhailovich

(Encyclopedia) Budenny, Semyon MikhailovichBudenny, Semyon Mikhailovichsĭmyôn mēkhīˈləvĭch b&oomacr;dyôˈnē [key], 1883–1973, Russian marshal. A sergeant major in the czarist cavalry, he joined…

buffalo soldiers

(Encyclopedia) buffalo soldiers, name given to the African-American U.S. army regiments commissioned by Congress to patrol the American West after the Civil War. Consisting of two infantry and two…

Vernon, Edward

(Encyclopedia) Vernon, Edward, 1684–1757, British admiral. He entered the navy in 1700 and rose steadily in rank. A member of Parliament from 1722, he opposed the government of Sir Robert Walpole and…

Belle-Isle, Charles Louis Auguste Fouquet, duc de

(Encyclopedia) Belle-Isle, Charles Louis Auguste Fouquet, duc deBelle-Isle, Charles Louis Auguste Fouquet, duc deshärl lwē ōgüstˈ f&oomacr;kāˈ dük də bĕl-ēlˈ [key], 1684–1761, marshal of France…

Tisza, Count Stephen

(Encyclopedia) Tisza, Count Stephen, 1861–1918, Hungarian premier (1903–5, 1913–17); son of Kálmán Tisza. He believed in strong personal government and sought to make Hungary a forceful partner in…

Belknap, William Worth

(Encyclopedia) Belknap, William Worth, 1829–90, U.S. Secretary of War (1869–76), b. Newburgh, N.Y. After practicing law in Iowa, he served in the Civil War, was a division commander under Sherman in…


(Encyclopedia) Yankee, term used by Americans generally in reference to a native of New England and by non-Americans, especially the British, in reference to an American of any section. The word is…

Balls Bluff

(Encyclopedia) Balls Bluff, hill on the south bank of the Potomac River, near Leesburg, Va. In the Civil War, Union troops who had crossed the river were severely repulsed there on Oct. 21, 1861.…