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Grand Alliance, War of the

(Encyclopedia) Grand Alliance, War of the, 1688–97, war between France and a coalition of European powers, known as the League of Augsburg (and, after 1689, as the Grand Alliance). Louis XIV of…

Breton Succession, War of the

(Encyclopedia) Breton Succession, War of the, 1341–65, an important episode of the Hundred Years War. Duke John III of Brittany died in 1341 without heirs. The succession was contested by his half-…

Bavarian Succession, War of the

(Encyclopedia) Bavarian Succession, War of the, between Austria and Prussia, 1778–79. With the extinction of the Bavarian line of the house of Wittelsbach on the death of Elector Maximilian Joseph in…

Military Conflicts in U.S. History

This page provides information about military conflicts involving the United States; including the American Revolution, the War of 1812, the Indian Wars, Dominican Republic, Bosnia, and more.…


(Encyclopedia) Fairhaven, residential town (2020 pop. 15,924), Bristol co., SE Mass., at the mouth of the Acushnet River on Buzzards Bay, opposite New…

Scott, Winfield

(Encyclopedia) Scott, Winfield, 1786–1866, American general, b. near Petersburg, Va. Although vain and pompous (he was called “Old Fuss and Feathers”), Scott was also generous, fair-minded,…

Augsburg, League of

(Encyclopedia) Augsburg, League of, defensive alliance formed (1686) by Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I with various German states, including Bavaria and the Palatinate, and with Sweden and Spain so far…

Selkirk, town, Canada

(Encyclopedia) Selkirk, town (1991 pop. 9,815), SE Man., Canada, on the Red River. Just S of Lake Winnipeg, it is a port for products from N Manitoba. There are steel mills, foundries, and shipyards…

Thompson, William T.

(Encyclopedia) Thompson, William T., 1812–82, American humorist and editor, b. Ravenna, Ohio. He was founder and editor of the Savannah Morning News, which became one of the most prominent newspapers…

Alexandrescu, Grigore

(Encyclopedia) Alexandrescu, GrigoreAlexandrescu, Grigoregrēgôˈrĕ əlĕksəndrĕˈsk&oobreve; [key], 1812–85, Romanian poet. Of a noble family, he was active in secret revolutionary societies. In his…