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Tso Tsung-t'ang

(Encyclopedia) Tso Tsung-t'angTso Tsung-t'angdzô dz&oomacr;ng-täng [key], 1812–85, Chinese general and statesman of the Ch'ing dynasty. He directed (1852–59) resistance to the Taiping Rebellion…

Dublin, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia) Dublin. 1 Uninc. town (2020 pop. 72,589), Alameda co., W Calif., a growing suburb in the San Francisco–Oakland area. There is light…


(Encyclopedia) KruppKruppkr&oobreve;p [key], family of German armament manufacturers. The family settled in Essen in the 16th cent. The core of the great Krupp industrial empire was started by…


(Encyclopedia) KickapooKickapookĭkˈəp&oomacr; [key], Native North Americans whose language belongs to the Algonquian branch of the Algonquian-Wakashan linguistic stock (see Native American…

Forster, John

(Encyclopedia) Forster, John, 1812–76, English biographer and critic. He was influential as literary and dramatic critic of the London Examiner. His Lives of the Statesmen of the Commonwealth (5 vol…

General Land Office

(Encyclopedia) General Land Office, established (1812) in the U.S. Treasury Dept. and transferred (1849) to the U.S. Dept. of the Interior. Empowered to survey, manage, and dispose of the public…

Military Conflicts in U.S. History

This page provides information about military conflicts involving the United States; including the American Revolution, the War of 1812, the Indian Wars, Dominican Republic, Bosnia, and more.…

Grand Alliance, War of the

(Encyclopedia) Grand Alliance, War of the, 1688–97, war between France and a coalition of European powers, known as the League of Augsburg (and, after 1689, as the Grand Alliance). Louis XIV of…

Austrian Succession, War of the

(Encyclopedia) Austrian Succession, War of the, 1740–48, general European war. In 1744 Frederick II, fearing the rising power of Austria, started the Second Silesian War by invading Bohemia; he…

Breton Succession, War of the

(Encyclopedia) Breton Succession, War of the, 1341–65, an important episode of the Hundred Years War. Duke John III of Brittany died in 1341 without heirs. The succession was contested by his half-…